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GROWING GRAINS By: John Vivian. One or more species of grain can be produced in significant quantities on garden-sized plots of land almost anywhere that one or another variety of wild grass grows naturally.


Evolved to regrow quickly following the combined hoof and-jaw predations of vast herds of grazing animals that once roamed the globe, the cereal grasses are widely adapted, tough, resilient, deep-rooted, fast growing and easily propagated. The hard, long lived grains they produce as seed can be grown, h arvested and milled in family sized quantities with simple machines and elementary hand tools. If properly cured and stored, they will keep for two or three years or more. Which means that you and I can provide our own organically grown, chemical-free flour, meal and whole grains if we make the effort.

But not many of us do. Homegrown Grains: The Key to Food Security. Freshly ground wheat flour has a high vitamin content; vitamins that degrade all too quickly when exposed to the air.

Homegrown Grains: The Key to Food Security

The whole grain flour that we buy from stores is often quite stale and may have significantly reduced vitamin content when compared to freshly ground. GROW YOUR OWN WHEAT (from Planting a plot approximately 10 feet by 10 feet will, when all is said and done, yield between 10 and 25 loaves of bread.


Veggies. Fruits.