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10 Nutrients Scientifically Proven to Make You Feel Awesome. Want some pep in your step? Perhaps a dash of good cheer? (Who doesn’t, right?). Look no further than the grocery store’s shelves. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids are not only super healthy, but can also increase happiness, lessen symptoms of depression, and quell anxiety . How can foods improve our moods? Try one of these foods for a mid-day pick-me-up, to promote long-term happiness, or to ward off the nagging worry that you forgot to lock the front door (You did remember, right?). A bit about the units used below: Mg (milligram) is the typical unit of measurement for nutrients and 1,000 mg equals 1 gram. 1.

The most abundant mineral in the body, calcium plays an important role in maintaining strong bones and healthy blood vessels, and in reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes. How eating it helps: Found in a variety of sources (non-dairy included), calcium is often paired with vitamin D to help regulate mood fluctuations attributed to PMS . Food Sources of Calcium: Cordyceps Sinensis - Facts and Benefits. The first time I heard of Cordyceps sinensis was on the can of a Steven Seagal energy drink. (Yes, such a thing really exists). Although the vile brew didn't give me the butt-kicking abilities of an action star, it did leave me curious about the fungus that supposedly had an effect on energy levels.

Cordyceps sinensis is considered a medicinal mushroom that increases energy, stimulates the immune system, and acts as an overall tonic to the body. It is one of the more famous Chinese herbs, but has only gained attention in the West over the last few decades. In addition to its reported health benefits, this fungus is known for its unique way of reproducing. It develops inside insect larvae, killing and mummifying the remains before popping out of the ground as a fruiting body. This horror movie action makes cordyceps one of the coolest mushrooms around. Let's take a closer look at this fascinating fungus. Click here to share a cordyceps story with visitors to this page! Return to top Dosage. Greatist- Cinnamon instead of cream and sugar. Saving calories can often be accomplished with a little creativity.

For example, swapping the cream and sugar (roughly an ounce or 2 tablespoons) with a teaspoon of cinnamon could save up to 70 calories per cup-o-Joe. Looks like this special spice may change the standard coffee routine. Spice Up Your Life—The Takeaway One study found just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day can significantly reduce blood sugar levels, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes .

But for those who don't have to worry so seriously about insulin levels, cinnamon has also been shown to have many other benefits: Cinnamon can slow the speed at which the stomach empties following a meal, which can help control sharp rises and falls in blood sugar levels . Want another reason to sprinkle some cinnamon in coffee? Still, there are some reasons to be wary. The Tip. Cancer causing foods you probably eat daily | Health News 2014-09-03. It’s probably not something you think about every day, whether or not the foods you are eating could contain carcinogens, but with almost 1.5 million people diagnosed with some type of cancer just last year, perhaps it’s time to look at what is in our foods that could be causing such a huge number of new cancer patients.

Here is a list of the top 10 foods that you most likely consume every day that may contain carcinogens or be suspected of causing cancer. Microwave Popcorn Those little bags of popcorn are so convenient to just stick in the microwave, you wouldn’t think for a minute that they could be dangerous to your health, but they are. First, let’s talk about the bag itself. It’s lined with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA). This is a toxin you can find in Teflon also. After being heated, this toxic chemical is known to cause infertility and cancer in lab animals. Now, let’s talk about the contents. Also, applied to the popcorn itself, is a chemical called diacetyl.

Skip the salt! 6 (yummy) low-sodium cooking alternatives - Food. Low-sodium The Daily Meal The Daily Meal Sep. 24, 2012 at 9:37 AM ET Sodium Girl / Pureed cauliflower is an easy alternative to rich white sauces. Nine out of 10 Americans need to lower their sodium intake, and many more want to eat less prepared foods, so it's clear that eating healthy is a number-one priority for many people and is more important now than ever. Reducing sodium not only cuts some calories from your diet but helps lower your blood pressure, a leading cause of cardiovascular disease.

Thankfully, cutting sodium out of your diet is really not as challenging as you may think. Soy and teriyaki sauce When a dish calls for soy, fish, oyster, or any other Asian-inspired sauce, look no further than your friend molasses. Soy sauce: More than 1,000 milligrams sodium per tablespoonTeriyaki: 690 milligrams sodium per tablespoonOyster sauce: 490 milligrams sodium per tablespoonMolasses: 10 milligrams sodium per tablespoon, depending on brand Mayonnaise Canned broth and stock Olives Parmesan.

Healthy Vegetables. What Is Wrong With Grains. In 2003, the Human Genome Project showed that most of the time our genes are not the cause of the diseases we see in modern times. It was believed that there had to be 100,000 genes to encode our DNA, one gene for each of the 100,000+ proteins in the human body. This had been the holy grail of human molecular biology for nearly a century. However, the results of the project showed that there are only 20,000-25,000 genes, each of which contains information for assembling or producing the functional molecules we call proteins. (1) Simply put, researchers found that information is transferred to RNA in a cell’s nucleus, which then interacts with ribosomes to read the sequence and translate the code to create an amino acid.

This transcription and translation is known as gene expression. Even with this knowledge, modern misconceptions about the role of genes and how they express are difficult to break. Disease is not written in our genetic code. The history of wheat According to the Weston A.

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Food The Ultimate Secret Exposed ~ Alex Jones' Special Report. Dr. Eric Berg. Dr. Oz for Paleo Diet. Calorie Burn Calculator, Most Accurate. Six Simple Ways to Burn More Calories Losing weight can seem like a daunting process. Not only do you have to follow a restricted diet; you also have to find time to exercise. If your schedule is already packed, it may seem like you do not have time for weight loss. Fortunately, there are simple ways to burn more calories and boost your weight loss.

Here, learn about six simple ways to increase your calorie burn and jump start your weight loss! Wearing a cold vest. Also known as a cooling vest or ice vest, the revolutionary vests must be used appropriately for you to experience the best results. You keep the vest in the freezer when you are not using it. When you wear it twice a day, you burn more calories than you would burn working out in the gym (calorie burning claims are as much as 500 calories a day). We recommend the highly rated and affordable Cold Shoulder Vest.

Sip a Cup of Coffee to Drop Weight Your morning cup of java could actually aid your weight loss efforts.