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DROPS Scarf and Gloves in Alpaca. Goes to local yarn shops and Home Depot - Shifting Sands Scarf. Shifting Sands scarf ©2006,, copyright details at bottom of page. I created the Shifting Sands pattern to replace my dad’s Sharfik, which had the great misfortune of meeting the washing machine in a most intimate setting.

Although I cannot take credit for the name, it is very appropriate: the cables swish and swoop, meandering from one edge to the other. The resulting texture is that of sand, shifted over time by wind or water. It is an element of nature familiar to both me and my dad, having grown up on the coast of the Black Sea. The texture of the scarf is created by thousands of small cables. Thousands? Adjusting the width of the scarf according to your yarn and desired size is easy: the pattern repeat is 5 stitches wide and 4 rows high. Click here for another close-up view of the texture. Difficulty level: intermediate Materials: Gauge: 28.3 sts and 34.3 rows per 4” square in pattern.

Finished size: 60” long and 7” wide after blocking. Abbreviations: Pattern: CO 52 sts. Elbac, reversible cable scarf. Version 1[pink]: Section 1 (Increase Rows): CO 2 sts. Row 1: P1, k1. Row 2: K1, kfb. 3 sts. Row 3: CO 2 sts, [k1, p1] twice, k1. 5 sts. Row 4: K2, p1, k1, kfb. 6 sts. Row 5: CO 2 sts, [p1, k1] to end. 8 sts. Section 2 (Straight Rows): Row 1: [K1, C8B, k1, C4B] twice, k1, C8B, k1. Section 3 (Decrease Rows): Row 1: BO 2 sts in patt, work to end in patt as set. Version 2 [aqua]: Section 1: Using MC, CO 58 sts. This row sets Rib patt for scarf. Work 5 more rows in Rib patt. Work Cable Row 1.

Repeat these 8 rows once more. Work Cable Row 2. Section 2: Work Cable Row 2. Section 4: Work Cable Row 2. Work Cable Row 2. To Knit Is Divine › Travelling Roses Lace Scarf. Lace Ribbon Scarf - Knitty: Spring 2008. ¡The AntiCraft! - Vegan Bacon scarf. Robyn Wade (photo) Philip Castlen (model) Vegan Wrapped In Bacon This pattern is an official protest to the bacon issue of The AntiCraft. The scarf is double knit out of Blue Sky organically grown cotton so it is reversible and no animals were harmed in the process. by Robyn Wade Suggested Watching Charlotte’s Web (1973, rated G) Difficulty Strong Intermediate Click here for definitions of difficulty levels. Finished Measurements 60"L x 8"W (152.4x20.3cm) Download Bacon Chart (pdf format) Materials Blue Sky Dyed Cotton [100% Cotton, approx. 150yd/137m per 3.53oz/100g skein] 619 Tomato, 2 balls Blue Sky Organic Cotton [100% Cotton, approx. 150yd/137m per 3.53oz/100g skein] 80 Bone, 2 balls US 7/4.5mm straight or circular needles 2 stitch markers Gauge 12.5 sts and 18 rows per 4"/10cm in stockinette stitch.

Design Notes This scarf is double knit to make a reverse image on the backside. If you need help with double knitting,'s Advanced Techniques section has a video on double knitting. Winter 2007 - Jeanie. Using Provisional Cast On, CO 137 sts. Note: When placing stitch markers between the charts in the Set-up Row, use the type of marker of which you have 6. When placing markers as indicated within each chart, use the type of marker of which you have 13. Set-up Row [RS]: Work 8 sts of Chart A, place marker; work 20 sts of Chart B, place marker; work 8 sts of Chart A, place marker; work 65 sts of Chart C, working outlined pattern repeat 6 times, place marker; work 8 sts of Chart A, place marker; work 20 sts of Chart B, place marker; work 8 sts of Chart A.

Work in pattern as set, noting the following: For Chart A, work Rows 1-7, then repeat Rows 2-7 as needed.For Charts B and C, work Rows 1-31, then repeat Rows 8-31 as needed. Continue in pattern until work measures approx. 66 inches, ending with Row 31 of Charts B and C (Row 7 of Chart A). Work 5 more rows in pattern: Rows 8-12 of Chart A, Rows 32-36 of Charts B and C. Rows 12-13: Work as for Rows 10-11. Rows 14-21: Work in pattern.