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Main Page. Hobo Manual - Generators : Hobo Cookbook. The following command in a hobo/rails dir shows all the generators available: $ hobo g --help (or) $ rails g --help Under the ‘Hobo’ group we find the hobo generators: hobo:admin_subsite hobo:assets hobo:controller hobo:front_controller hobo:i18n hobo:install_default_plugins hobo:install_plugin hobo:migration hobo:model hobo:resource hobo:routes hobo:setup_wizard hobo:subsite hobo:subsite_taglib hobo:test_framework hobo:user_controller hobo:user_mailer hobo:user_model hobo:user_resource You can get more help about any generator (e.g. the ‘hobo:resource’ generator) by typing: $ hobo g resource --help (which is the same as) $ rails g hobo:resource --help Notice, if you use the hobo command you can omit the ‘hobo:’ namespace prepended to hobo generators.

The following options are common options for all the generators: Runtime options: SUGGESTION: the -p or –pretend option can be passed to all generators. Here are the static options as printed by the –help option: Hobo Setup Wizard –main-title Startup ? ? ? ? Hpricot/hpricot - GitHub. Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide. Rails 2.3.2 API via RDoc Documentation []