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Data. Visual. Second Life Data to Pachube. Basic Approach If you're already familiar with LSL you may only need to know the following. To transfer data between second life and pachube we use the following code to define two keys inside a timer event. After this we use an http_response() event to determine the type of information. If you haven't coded in LSL before and this doesn't mean anything, everything is explained below and packaged into a working example. The aim of this tutorial is to set out how to write a simple script in LSL, the Second Life Scripting language that connects to a pachube feed. Understanding Programming in Second Life with LSL I'm going to assume at the start of this tutorial that you don't have any prior knowledge of second life scripting. There are lots of tutorials available to start to learn to script in second life, many are located, alongside the essential language documentation at the LSL Portal of the second life wiki ( ).

Time to Start Adding Code. Domains | Zerigo DNS. Moving an EC2 Instance to a Larger Size. When you discover that the entry level t1.micro instance size is simply not cutting it for your growing application needs, you may want to try upgrading it to a larger instance type, perhaps an m1.small or even a c1.medium. Instead of starting a new instance and having to configure it from scratch, you may be able to simply resize the existing instance by asking Amazon move it to better hardware for you. Of course, since this is AWS, you don’t have to actually talk to anybody—just type a few commands and the job is done automatically. Constraints Before you try this approach, note that there are some conditions: You must be running an EBS boot instance (not instance-store or S3-based AMI). Process Run a new t1.micro Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid instance to be our demo. Instance_id=$(ec2-run-instances --instance-type t1.micro --key $USER ami-3e02f257 | egrep ^INSTANCE | cut -f2) Wait until it is running and perhaps log in to install software or touch some files so you know it’s your instance.

Bonus. Quick Start - GitHub. Lab Book - Wiki - A place for thinking. Developer Center - API for Titanium.Database (version 1.1) Installs an SQLite database to device's internal storage. ... Installs an SQLite database to device's internal storage. Copies an SQLite database file to the device's internal storage (only) and creates a persistent name that is available for the lifetime of the app. On Android, if the source file does not exist, an empty database is created. Returns a reference to the opened database. If the destination file already exists, behaves as open. This method is primarily used for iOS. With Android, as there is often minimal internal storage available, install may only be appropriate for small databases or for prototyping.

With Titanium on iOS, the default database location changed in accordance with Apple's guidelines. Files stored in the Private Documents directory on iOS5 will be automatically backed up to iCloud and removed from the device in low storage situations. Always close the database after use. Examples Install a Database (iOS) On simulator On device Parameters Returns. XMPP4R is an XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby. IM Integration With XMPP4r : Part 2 » Ruby Fleebie. In the first part, we talked less about XMPP4r and more about XMPP, this time it will be the other way around.

Now that we know that XMPP messages are XML bits of information exchanged between a client and a server via a TCP connection, we are more able to understand the purpose of XMPP4r. What is XMPP4r? Here is the most simple definition I came out with : XMPP4r is a ruby library that acts as a XMPP Client. Understand it that way and you won’t be confuse about what XMPP4r is supposed to do. Like any other jabber client (google talk, pidgin, etc), Xmpp4r sends, receives and manages XML messages called stanzas.

In a sense, XMPP4r is like GoogleTalk without the GUI. Client ="")) client.connect client.auth("my_extremely_secret_password") client.send( The first line simply creates a new instance of the Client class. SASL DIGEST-MD5SASL PLAINNon-SASL digest Now about the 4th line. Registering Callbacks Woooh! Lib/xmpp4r-simple.rb at master from blaine/xmpp4r-simple - GitHub. Binarylogic/authlogic_example - GitHub. Pauldowman/ec2onrails - GitHub.