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Medphine provides quality Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management Outsourcing Service that can help your practice mitigate financial losses and improve profits.Medphine is a largest professional medical billing and coding company in India and USA. We are providing exceptional range of claims denial management, healthcare business process outsourcing etc.

Best Medical Billing and Coding Companies in India. Medical billing and coding companies have come into a more prominent role in the healthcare sector as a need of the hour.

Best Medical Billing and Coding Companies in India

Due to the ever-changing regulations and increased patient demands physicians and practices now a day rely more on professional third-party service providers for various administrative jobs. Types of scheduling in a medical office. Visiting a physician and not finding him there or waiting for too long to see the physician are things that frustrate a patient.

Types of scheduling in a medical office

While not showing up for visit or arriving late for a scheduled check-up are things that do not go well for practice or physician. Benefits of Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management. Revenue Cycle Management Outsourcing means hiring a third-party service provider to take care of revenue management in a practice.

Benefits of Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management

These service providers are experts in their field and have sound knowledge and experience of handling revenue cycle. They have a team of certified medical billing and coding specialists who work in compliance with the current coding and billing norms of the healthcare industry. Revenue cycle management outsourcing helps the practices and hospitals to focus more on patient care and keeps the medical staff free from odd jobs like documentation, coding, claim submissions, etc. Medical Billing and Coding Company in India and USA. Proper Coding is the magic trick to get claims paid on the first go!”

Medical Billing and Coding Company in India and USA

Medphine have mastered the art of generating clean claims for the providers and to accomplish the goal of getting paid through the first submission. It has become crucial for healthcare providers to take utmost care while coding claims, because payers have become highly vigilant in adjudication and reimbursement of claims. Normally, in other companies the billing procedures can take anywhere from several days to months to complete.

But we at Medphine accomplish this task at the soonest time possible. 10 Key steps of successful Medical Billing Process. Revenue Cycle Management is a complex process but it is essential for the things at your medical practice run smoothly.

10 Key steps of successful Medical Billing Process

It needs an eye for detail at every stage to ensure claim is error free, when this happens a claim has to go through the process once and it drastically speeds up the time it takes for the claims to be paid but a mistake can lead to an inconsistent flow of payment. That is why it is so important to work with experts. Why Audits are important for Medical Practice? No two medical specialties are for the same diseases.

Why Audits are important for Medical Practice?

They can be interlinked but not the same. Take, for example, oncology or gastroenterology. When such is the case, then there billing and coding should be different as well. Specialty specific billing requires medical billers and coders holding proficiency in these fields. If you have an inhouse team that performs generic medical billing and closing, we would suggest you outsource oncology medical billing company like Medicine.

Tips For Out Of Network Billing. The world is at its knees with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting every corner and taking human lives by the number of thousands every day.

Tips For Out Of Network Billing

But what’s keeping us going through this together as one, physically and mentally are the healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, volunteers, first responders, and their relentlessness in fighting against this disease. Medical Billing Company in the USA. If there is one thing in the way of ensuring the robust financial health of a medical practice or an organization, it will be their inability to engage patients for longer.

Medical Billing Company in the USA

Before we go ahead, it is important to understand that we are not talking about readmission here, which adversely impacts the revenue but how the patient feels and how enriching is their journey throughout their treatment. A patient feels engaged when they are treated as humans and not just as a number so and so. Engagement starts right from the phone call they make to the front desk to book an appointment or reach out to an online portal to fill up the form for appointment scheduling.

Signs You Should Invest In Telemedicine. Healthcare industry is constantly working towards ensuring that the patients across the globe get quality care and treatment.

Signs You Should Invest In Telemedicine

They are continuously researching and developing tools and technologies to make sure that any kind of limitation can not come in the way of guaranteeing a healthy lifestyle to the world population. One of the several revolutionary technological advancements is telemedicine. Telemedicine is a concept with which patients across the states are provided with healthcare consultation and facilities using HIPAA compliant virtual tools and technologies.

EMR Integration Mistakes to Avoid. Courtesy of the advancement in technology, healthcare facilities, and organization no longer have to worry about losing their document in the store or cupboards.

EMR Integration Mistakes to Avoid

Electronic medical record systems have replaced the traditioned documentation process with a safe and secure platform that provides for easy accessibility, storage, and transfer of patient health records across different healthcare entities. An adequately integrated electronic medical record system ensures: ACCURACY: With no manual work involved, the possibility of inputting incorrect data is drastically minimized.

OUTSOURCE MENTAL HEALTH BILLING AND CODING SERVICE. Every medical specialization is different and complicated in it's manner, but mental health professionals feel at a disadvantage when they have to file the claim, go for, or take care of the books. Medical billing and coding for mental health professionals can be frustrating. But have you ever imagined, what makes the mental health billing and coding solution so complicated? See, you have to look it this way; what do general medical practitioners do?

Imagine going to an ophthalmologist for an eye flare; they will perform eye test, some scans and let you know the reason behind it but does this happen on a consultation session with your psychiatrist? COVID-19: WHERE ARE WE? In the unfortunate wake of the COVID 19 outbreak, the World Health Organization declared the virus as a pandemic and urged people in every corner of the world to stay home and practice social distancing. President Trump declared a national emergency on March 13th, 2020 with COVID 19 affecting the population. US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex M Azhar II, announced a public health emergency on January 31st, 2020, urging the Center for Medicaid and Medicare to aggressively look for a solution.

How Emerging Technology Can Help You Boost Your Front-Desk Efficiency. What would you say if we ask, “Where does the revenue cycle for a healthcare practice begins?” Once the patient is released from the hospital, you might say. No, the revenue cycle begins when the patient calls for scheduling appointments in the hospital to the front desk.

From there itself, the patient decides whether or not they will go ahead with their treatment from the respective physician or hospital. Your facility’s front desk plays a crucial role in determining the cash flow and ensuring a smooth revenue cycle. Why should you opt for a revenue cycle management process? Health is a very integral part of our lives. All our daily activities and work is directly affected by the condition of our health. We get to work and run our errands more efficiently if we are healthy. So, it becomes necessary to have well-planned insurance. RCM billing provides you just that. It eases the hustle of tackling health records and insurances. RCM is a process by which a healthcare organization operates its financial circulatory system.

In this age of technical advancements, it becomes challenging to keep up with the old manual handwritten system of billings. Get to know more about certified billing and coding specialists - James Jones. The new-age health care system has introduced new sectors of management. One such industry is billing and coding. Not only has it specialized in billing and coding and provided prompt services, but it has also created employment opportunities for many. In a medical intervention, a patient requires different kinds of tests based on their medical emergency and demands.

Then according to the test results, the treatment follows along with the necessary procedures. MEDICAL BILLING TRENDS TO WATCH-OUT FOR IN 2020. Healthcare billing 2019 was all over the news with critical issues such as surprise medical bills, which is yet to find an effective solution and changes in the Medicaid payment, which became a legislative issue. Get to know more about certified billing and coding specialists.

eClinicalWorks Billing Company. Medphine increases the profitability by reducing the account receivable days. Medphine Provide Oncology Medical Billing Service. Professional Gastroenterology Billing And Coding Service. HOW YOUR PRACTICE CAN BENEFIT FROM AR OUTSOURCING? Is your account receivable out of control? REVENUE CYCLE PARALYSIS: OPTIMIZE IT - Best Medical Billing Company in India and USA. Compliance - Best Medical Billing Company in India and USA. Myth : One doctor’s office cannot send medical records of a patient to another physician’s office without that patient’s consent.

Fact : No approval is necessary for the transfer a patient’s medical records from one to another doctor’s office for treatment purposes like in the case of referrals. Healthcare API And Interoperability: What Do You Need To Know? - Best Medical Billing Company in India and USA. HEALTHCARE REVENUE KPIS TO KEEP TRACK OF - Best Medical Billing Company in India and USA. Healthcare Cyber-risk You Need To Prepare For In 2019 - Best Medical Billing Company in India and USA. “Because of the wealth of data that healthcare providers hold, breaches and compromises can have far-reaching consequences for consumers, and the valuable research being conducted within some of these institutions continues to be an attractive target for nation-states seeking to leapfrog their domestic industries, the report noted.”

Prior Authorization: Implementation And Complications - Best Medical Billing Company in India and USA. No matter how much physicians loathe the process of having to engage in a back and forth conversation with the healthcare insurance provider before going through with the medication or procedure, prior authorization as of now is mandatory. Gastroenterology Billing Specialists Service. Behavioral and Mental Health Billing Services. Pediatrics Billing Specialist And Coding Services. DON’T MAKE THESE AR MANAGEMENT MISTAKES - Best Medical Billing Company in India and USA. IMPROVE RCM WITH PATIENT ACCESS AUTOMATION. Importance of patient access How accessible are your treatment, care, and other services to the patient, is essential to maintain the financial health and reputation of your healthcare practice.

This is termed as patient access. TIPS TO IMPROVE PATIENT COLLECTION. Medphine increases the profitability by reducing the account receivable days. Medical Transcription and Billing Company. Super bill and charge entry service for a smoother billing procedure. Medical Billing and Coding Company India. Get your financial reports corrected by credit balance resolution. Insurance Claims Processing Services. We offer Value Added Services, such as Consultation Services, Staff Training, Social Media Optimization. Outsource Medical Billing Companies. Healthcare Medical Revenue Cycle Management Companies.