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Mind Mapping en médecine

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Welcome to 3MRT. Medical Mind Maps. Medical profession's use of mind mapping. The medical profession is probably second only to project managers inmaking extensive use of information maps.

Medical profession's use of mind mapping

The medical profession is deeply committed to the use of information maps in its study programs. Eleven sources of medical study mind maps are named. They are extensive and have separate articles in WikIT, but are summarized below. Medical mind map sources - You can browse down for outlines of what each site shows, or you can go to separate articles in WikIT that show in detail the medical subjects covered by mind maps at the respective sites by clicking on of the links here:- Visual Medical Dictionary.

Connect profile for Rowena Birch. Document: assessments for dementia variants Looks at Fronto-temporal dementia and variants (Semantic Dementia, Primary Progressive Aphasia), Lewy Body Dementia, and very briefly Vascular dementiaExplores the Frontal Behaviour Inventory (FBI) and mentions the Hachinski scale for Vascular Dementia.

Connect profile for Rowena Birch

Highlights the fact that semantic dementia is most often misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's Disease (Snowden 2005) Connect profile for Kathleen Sundmark. Document: EMF and the Auditory System Tinnitus is the perception of sound (ringing, hissing, buzzing) in one or both ears, not produced by an external source.

Connect profile for Kathleen Sundmark

It is a common complaint, affecting approximately one in six Americans. It ranges in severity from a mild background noise to a constant disabling disruption of daily function. Some cases begin following known stresses such as loud noises or medications, but many times the causes are unknown. Many people sensitive to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields describe various ear sensations -- heat, throbbing, pain -- as well as tinnitus.
