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Jeffbullas. Presenting tempting content online is about capturing attention and that starts with the headline, after that there are a variety of tactics and media to continue to engage your viewer whether that be multimedia rich content categories such as a video, image or text.

If the content is creative and visually compelling then your chances of having it shared on social media increase dramatically. Infographics allow you to present information for audiences to consume in a few seconds. Infographics have almost become a media in their own right and the correct creative mix of design and data can be almost magnetic. This collection of infographics includes Google vs Facebook, The history of social media and the most viral brands of 2010. 14 Fantastic New Facebook Infographics in 2011. The social media world moves fast.

14 Fantastic New Facebook Infographics in 2011

With new tools and trends emerging constantly, it can be difficult to focus on just one to master it for maximum business benefit. Google+ may currently be the talk of the town, but don't neglect tried and true social media marketing platforms just so you can jump on the next new thing.