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Five new things you should know about posting video on Facebook | GateHouse Newsroom. Facebook Marketing Secrets Straight From The Experts. February 29, 2016 Comments Off on Facebook Marketing Secrets Straight From The Experts There are tons of people that use Facebook users out there. You may even be one of these people. Here are some useful tips for Facebook marketing. TIP! You should encourage your customers to join by providing freebies to certain subscribers. TIP! Try putting out Facebook ads for your business. TIP! Custom tabs need to be used when creating a Facebook page. TIP! Custom Audiences will let you to personalize the emails that you send. TIP! Think about purchasing a Facebook ads. TIP! The goal of Facebook marketing is to boost sales.

Be sure that you’re making posts are valuable. Give your followers something to sign up to your Facebook page. TIP! Don’t assume Facebook is the best place for social media purposes. TIP! Be sure you give your brand. TIP! Do not disable the function on your Facebook page. TIP! You don’t have to look too far to find the examples of both kinds of practices. TIP! TIP! TIP! TIP! How to Apply Web and Social Analytics - Lee Odden Interview. It’s a claim almost every digital marketer wishes they could make: Writing the book on how to integrate SEO, social media and content marketing strategies.

After Optimize was published in 2012, Lee Odden can say he was first to the finish. Over the past 15 years, he has consulted for Fortune 500 companies while acting as CEO for TopRank Marketing – a firm based outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Publications such as The Economist and Wall Street Journal have recognized him for his marketing and public relations expertise. So has the industry itself, as he’s delivered speeches across Asia, Europe and North America. Discussing the analytics and approaches behind social media and content marketing, this Lee Odden interview is the second entry in our marketing influencer interview series. Using SEO and Social Media Analytics Keyhole: In your book, Optimize, you identify 3 phases of optimization: Planning, implementation, and scaling.

Lee Odden: Very important. This is completely cyclical. How does negative feedback from Facebook Insights affect a person's account? - Quora. New Video Metrics Launched for Facebook Page Insights | AdvertiseMint. Page Insights. This Page's Insights data. Global brand default Page will return its own insights data, while root Page will return integrated insights of the whole hierarchy. GET /v2.5/{page-id}/insights HTTP/1.1 Host: /* PHP SDK v5.0.0 *//* make the API call */ $request = new FacebookRequest( $session, 'GET', '/{page-id}/insights'); $response = $request->execute(); $graphObject = $response->getGraphObject();/* handle the result */ /* make the API call */ FB.api( "/{page-id}/insights", function (response) { if (response && !

Response.error) { /* handle the result */ } }); /* make the API call */new GraphRequest( AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(), "/{page-id}/insights", null, HttpMethod.GET, new GraphRequest.Callback() { public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) { /* handle the result */ } }).executeAsync(); Parameters Fields Reading from this edge will return a JSON formatted result: data A list of InsightsResult nodes. paging For more details about pagination, see the Graph API guide. Graph API: Overview. Next we'll try publishing something to Facebook using the Graph API. You would do this in your app only if you're building your own custom composer and not using one of the Share Dialogs on web, iOS, or Android. The Facebook Share Dialogs don't require you to implement Facebook login or build your own interface for letting people share.

To explore publishing with the Graph API, click on that "Get Access Token" button again, and this time, choose publish_actions permission: Now click on the blue "Get Access Token" button, and you'll see the Login Dialog again. Here you'll be asked for permission for the Graph API Explorer to post on your behalf. If you want you can change the audience here to 'Only Me' so that only you will be able to see the post, but you should accept this dialog and move onto the next step. Publish a Post If you've asked for publish_actions permission, now click on the button that says "GET" on it and choose "POST" from the dropdown selector that appears.

Authenticity and immediacy: Why USA Today's FTW uses Facebook live video. With Facebook live video, even Web-only sports sites are getting a taste for broadcast. During the NBA All-Star Weekend earlier this month, USA Today viral sports site FTW used Facebook live video to give readers a court-side view of the two weekend’s games and NBA stars. It talked to Minnesota Timberwolves guard Zach LeVine about winning the slam-dunk contest, interviewed Dikembe Mutombo and made bets with Charles Barkley about how players would perform during the All-Star game. The six streams, which were all two to five minutes long, got hundreds of viewers while they were live and 60,000 views afterwards. Advertisement FTW, which never attempted to live stream with Meerkat or Periscope, has experimented with Facebook’s live streaming because the format “rivals the immediacy of television,” said Hemal Jhaveri, senior social media editor at USA Today.

“It makes a lot of sense for sports because athletes always seem to be so inaccessible to fans, and this makes them feel less so. #sm. Today, Facebook unleashed the much-anticipated replacement of the one-size-fits-all “Like” button: Reactions. While “Like” will still be the default, Facebook users can now hold down on the “Like” button to display the other reaction options. These Reaction metrics (other than Likes) aren’t available through Facebook’s API yet, but can be found in your native Facebook Insights Dashboard.

The Social Marketer’s Guide to Social Media ROI To be honest, when I read the news, I was planning on writing a post about how Reaction emojis could be really valuable to marketers (Now I can tell when someone is sad about my post!) It’s easy to get caught up and think “Oh sweet! Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that Facebook added this feature. Reactions Are Not a Success Metric It’s something new to measure, and definitely more diverse than a tally of Likes, but I’d like you to strongly consider how you’ll actually use the insight you get from spending time and energy analyzing the types of reactions used. Mira los memes de los nuevos emojis de Facebook.

Por elsalvadorcom25.feb.2016 | 16:47 Aunque es un proceso paulatino, varios usuarios de la red social Facebook ya tienen habilitados los nuevos emojis: Me encanta, Me divierte, Me alegra, Me asombra, Me entristece y Me enoja. El lanzamiento ha generado diversas reacciones, y sin saber si es la que Mark Zuckerberg esperaba, se han viralizado una serie de divertidos memes. Algunas de las "Facebook Reactions" son sustituidas por emojis con Batman, Deadpool incluso hasta por el candidato presidencial de Perú, César Acuña.

Mark Zuckerberg explicó que esta nueva función tiene como objetivo a que “la gente quería expresar empatía y que sea cómodo para compartir una gama más amplia de emociones. Una de mis metas era hacer que sea tan sencillo como pulsar y mantener pulsado el botón Me gusta. El resultado es reacciones, que permiten expresar el amor, la risa, sorpresa, tristeza o ira”. En El Salvador, algunos usuarios ya empezaron a interactuar con la nueva opción. Stream Facebook Live Video like a superstar video. You can broadcast live video instantly to your Facebook friends as a status update. It's called Facebook live video. It's now available on the iPhone for US accounts and coming soon to Android. You'll find it inside the status update.

Click the icon of a person with a broadcast signal halo. Choose title and set privacy permission. Big Facebook News For Anyone Publishing Content. Facebook announced that on April 12, it will open Instant Articles to all publishers. This means that any publisher, regardless of size, will have this same content advantage as the major players Facebook has already catered to with the offering. If you create content, listen up!

Do you plan to implement Facebook Instant Articles? Do you expect it to be an advantage? So far, Facebook has been allowing a few hundred publishers to take advantage, but this should mean a better user experience for many more pieces of content in users' News Feeds. To be clear, Facebook says it's extending the offering to any content publisher or blog. If you don't have a blog, why the heck not? You can sell and serve your own display ads in Instant Articles and keep 100% of the revenue. You don't have to create original content for Facebook. Product manager Josh Roberts says: Facebook also lets publishers track reader-engagement with its own analytics tools.

F8 registration opened up earlier this month. Live video streaming platform - RTMPE, PPV, Adaptive Streaming | OnyxServers. * Included with all plans starting from just $19.95 p/mo. What do we mean by flexible live streaming service? While our live streaming service is designed to be simple and user friendly, it offers unique and advanced features that meet the requirements of expert users. For example, you can create and customize white-label video players using over 30 different settings. Create multiple video players for multiple web sites. Deliver your live broadcasts using single bitrate, user selectable bitrate, or Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR) technology.

Stream your broadcasts on any web site, CMS, or even Facebook. Embed broadcasts within your web page or play them in a lightbox. Multi-device support Broadcast live to all popular devices including iOS (iPhone/iPad) and Android. Generous bandwidth allotment Dollar for dollar, our live streaming plans include one of the most, if not the most, generous amount of streaming bandwidth. Ad-free We keep your live broadcasts professional. Easy to setup. Facebook Is Now Offering Automatic Captions for Brands Silently Playing Videos.

Closed captioning will now be brought to you by Facebook. Starting today, the Menlo Park-based company will begin offering two lines of automated captions in branded videos for free. The addition could be a new way for marketers to still use the silent autoplay feature while getting more messaging across. The update is meant as a way to give users more reason to watch videos rather than just scrolling by. According to Facebook's ad products marketing director, Graham Mudd, that means brands need to insert their message as quickly as possible before users move on. Internal tests conducted by Facebook found that captioned video ads increased video view time by 12 percent on average. "In a feed-based environment, people are in control of what they consume," Mudd told Adweek. New results of an independent study conducted by Fors Marsh found that users recall content in a news feed even after seeing it for just a quarter of a second.

Facebook has seen massive growth of video on the platform. Url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=47&ved=0ahUKEwjA1vqOu5TLAhUGfZAKHWNMCzI4KBCpAggtKAAwBg&url= Facebook has launched a new tool for targeting organic posts to your desired audience. Audience Optimization is said to help make posts more relevant in people’s news feeds through being shown to Facebook users who are most likely to engage with them. When constructing a Facebook post there will soon be an option to add interest tags. Facebook will then use that information to prioritize the content in the news feeds of people who are interested in that topic.

The company points out that there is a distinct difference between Audience Optimization and the existing Interest Targeting feature because it doesn’t restrict a post’s reach (unless you want it to). With that being said, you can exclude sub-sections of your audience from seeing certain posts if that’s how you want to target them. For example, if you’re going to publish something that would only be relevant to your local area, you can exclude non-locals from seeing it.

With these features come new audience insight capabilities. Url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=newssearch&cd=35&ved=0ahUKEwjB4bj0upTLAhWBhZAKHct3Cp04HhCpAgglKAAwBA&url= Facebook Launches Improved Video Metrics in Page Insights. Facebook Thursday began rolling out a redesigned video metrics section in its page insights, adding new metrics and sprucing up the layout. Product manager Anaid Gomez-Ortigoza announced in a Facebook Media blog post that the updated video metrics section in page insights will include the following metrics: Minutes viewed (new): The total minutes of watch time spent on the video. This is one of the most requested video metrics from publishers, and we’re excited to make it available today.Unique viewers: The number of individual people who saw the video.Views: The number of times your video was viewed.10-second views (new): The number of times the video was viewed to 10 seconds.

If the video is shorter than 10 seconds, this metric refers to the number of times people viewed at least 97 percent of the video.Average percent completion: The portion of the video (on a percentage basis) that is viewed in an average watch session. 13 Secrets That’ll Boost Your Facebook Organic Reach. In Q4 2014, the top 8 social networks drove 31.24% of overall traffic to websites. As per Shareaholic, “The shift from search to social isn’t just in progress: it’s already here.” Facebook alone accounts for 24.63% of this traffic. Here is a breakdown of the social referrals.

Look at the recent report by Parse.Ly on the traffic sources for the top 100 news websites (ranked by comScore and Alexa). It supports the Facebook triumph over Google. Wow! Now let us all marketers get really serious about promoting our businesses on Facebook. But wait a second. Hasn’t that already happened? Facebook claims that there are 40 M active small business pages on its platform. These active pages regularly share updates about their services, products and their blog posts on Facebook.

The result? An average of 1,500 posts compete for appearing in a user’s news Feed. This massive content explosion has resulted in a decline in organic reach of Facebook Pages. Ah. Here is Brian’s advice to publishers: I know. 1. 2. 3. TOP 10 Facebook KPIs - Critical Review - Fanpage Karma Blog. 7 Herramientas para Mejorar tu Estrategia de Contenidos. Agorapulse Barometer - Measure the performance of your Facebook page. Qué medir en Redes Sociales: Tu Audiencia.

Descubre la psicología secreta de Facebook y crece tu negocio. #Twitter10K, Facebook Instant Articles, and the Future of Native Social Content. Facebook Reactions Raise Questions for Marketers. 5 Ways To Use Facebook’s Audience Optimisation To Become A Brilliant Publisher. Improve Your Organic Page Reach With Facebook Audience Optimization.