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General Java Development Learning Trail - NetBeans Tutorials, Guides and Articles. JDeveloper - Official Home Page. JDeveloper 11g R1 Tutorials. Intro. to JDeveloper. Introduction to the JDeveloper IDE This tutorial provides a tour of the major components in the Oracle JDeveloper 11 IDE, and shows you how they can be used to build a basic Java based application. Approximately 50 minutes. This tutorial covers the following topics: Alternatively, you can place the cursor over an individual icon in the following steps to load and view only the screenshot associated with that step.

You can hide an individual screenshot by clicking it. In the tutorial, you learn how to create a simple Java class. Back to Topic List Before you begin this tutorial, you should: Start JDeveloper by selecting If a dialog box opens asking if you would like to migrate from a previous version of JDeveloper, click . In the Select Role dialog, choose and click . Note: Shaping, which is based on the role of the user, allows the JDeveloper environment to tailor itself. Close the window. Once loaded, the JDeveloper IDE appears. To create an application, perform the following steps:

JavaServer Faces Technology Documentation. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ajax. L'architecture informatique Ajax (acronyme d'Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) permet de construire des applications Web et des sites web dynamiques interactifs sur le poste client en se servant de différentes technologies ajoutées aux navigateurs web entre 1995 et 2005. Ajax combine JavaScript, les CSS, XML, le DOM et le XMLHttpRequest afin d'améliorer maniabilité et confort d'utilisation des Applications Internet Riches (abr.

RIA)[1],[2] : DOM et JavaScript permettent de modifier l'information présentée dans le navigateur en respectant sa structure ;L'objet XMLHttpRequest sert au dialogue asynchrone avec le serveur Web ;XML structure les informations transmises entre serveur Web et navigateur. Outre le XML, les échanges de données entre client et serveur peuvent utiliser d'autres formats, tels que JSON. Dialogue entre serveur et navigateur L'interface de programmation Document Object Model (abr.