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13 psychological tricks that help in communicating with anyone. Sometimes we strike a wrong chord with someone, or feel uncomfortable to ask somebody about something.

13 psychological tricks that help in communicating with anyone

Today, Bright Side will tell you the techniques which can help you build good relationships with anybody. If the answer doesn’t suit you — for example, the person you are talking to left something unsaid, wasn’t clear, or lied — don’t ask again. Instead, simply look silently and attentively into his or her eyes. This technique will get him or her cornered, and the person will be forced to continue his or her thoughts.If someone yells at you, make an effort to keep calm, staying absolutely impassive. The first reaction of a loudmouth is usually anger, which your behavior can provoke, but it will quickly subside. Our mimicry is closely related to our emotions: we raise our eyebrows when we are touched and squint our eyes while crying. Source: fashiony Preview photo credit: StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon. 15-life-hacks-that-will-make-your-life. Theawesomedaily. Remember these two awesome articles we published a while back?


Unethical life hacks to help you get what you want and 20 unethical life hacks you desperately want to try . well, this is a whole new article full of life hacks to help you get your way easy! Some of them are pretty sneaky, but they actually work! 1: OMG! Life changing! 2: This saves me so much drinks. Imgur. Top 15 Smart Psychology Hacks. Clever Tips and lifehacks to Make your Life Easier. 31 Insanely Easy And Clever DIY Projects. 31-insanely-easy-and-clever-diy-projects?sub=1624957_371636yahoo. 17 Clever Ways To Reuse Household Items. 25 Psychological Life Hacks that Will Help You Gain the Advantage in Social Situations. Social situations are among the most important in our lives.

25 Psychological Life Hacks that Will Help You Gain the Advantage in Social Situations

Yet, there is a huge chance that you are oblivious to the plethora of unwritten social rules that structure everybody’s behaviour. Www.highexistence. 11 Paradoxes of Being a Better Public Speaker. We’ve all heard how frightened nearly everyone is of public speaking.

11 Paradoxes of Being a Better Public Speaker

Maybe that’s understandable, but it creates the potential for lots of misinformed conventional wisdom spread by people who have to make presentations but haven’t had the opportunity to learn what really works. To help correct some misperceptions about what creates better presenters and presentations, here are eleven public speaking paradoxes for reluctant presenters to accept, embrace, and follow: 1. Minimize your public speaking nerves by looking for as big an audience as possible. My theory on nerves and speaking? 2. (ethical?) Psychological Life Hacks - Imgur. Community Post: 41 Creative DIY Hacks To Improve Your Home. 16 Mental Life Hacks that Will Turn You into a Jedi. Sometimes the way you act will have an effect on people in an subconscious.

16 Mental Life Hacks that Will Turn You into a Jedi

You may not even realize that you are causing causing this effect. Hare are 16 mental life hacks that may cause people to feel a certain way or do something. It may help you in the future. Check them out. These are kind of cool. Source: Imgur. Studying Guides. 10 House Cleaning Hacks That Will Change Your Life. 18 Helpful Diagrams To Solve All Your Clothing Woes. 36 Creative Cleaning Hacks To Get Your House Spiffy In A Jiffy. 7 Social Hacks For Manipulating People. 1.

7 Social Hacks For Manipulating People

Whenever someone is angry and confrontational, stand next to them instead of in front of them. You won’t appear as so much of a threat, and they eventually calm down. 2. Open with “I need your help.” People don’t like the guilt of not helping someone out. 3. 4. 5. These Lifehacks Will Change and Improve Your Life Forever. 69 Awesome Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing Powers. #56.

69 Awesome Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing Powers

You Can Reset Your Sleep Cycle With a Hunger Strike Chances are, when summer vacation or the holidays come around and you're given time off work or school, your sleeping patterns falter a little bit ("a little bit" is a phrase that here means "you play video games until the 'a.m.' and 'p.m.' dot on your alarm clock has completely lost its meaning"). The thing is, you know you're going to be screwed once the holidays are over and you have to go back to getting up at 6 or 7 a.m., and that you'll be a zombie at work or school for at least a week.

Become A Man's Man With These 65 Life Hacks From Goldman Sachs. Investment banking firm Goldman Sachs has published a list of bite-sized tips designed to turn you into the ultimate man.

Become A Man's Man With These 65 Life Hacks From Goldman Sachs

(Apparently, a healthy dose of sexism towards women is a pre-requisite.) Photo: AMC What does it mean to be a man today? @GSElevator and NetNet’s John Carney have attempted to break down the chief rules that every man should live by. Evil week News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker. 27 People Share The One Cool Internet Or Computer Trick They Know. 1.

27 People Share The One Cool Internet Or Computer Trick They Know

A shortcut to any website. Whatever you type into the URL bar can be surrounded by www. & .com by pressing control + enter. 2. An easy way to browse photos on a subreddit hands-free. When viewing picture based subreddits, add a “p” into the url like so: to get a picture slideshow of the posts on that subreddit. 30 Brilliant Psychological Life Hacks That Successful People Have Been Using Forever.

The Brilliance!! Some Nice Ideas. Life Hacks. a9de16L_700b_v1.jpg (700×7229) Sleep Calculator - What's The Best Time To Go To Sleep? How to Hack Your Brain. How Can I Be More Convincing and Get Anything I Want? Evil week News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker. Lifehacker - Tips and downloads for getting things done. 7 ways to beat belly bloat. 12 تغيير بسيط على أسلوب حياتك لِصحّة أفضل. 1) اشرب القهوة بدون حليب٬ سكر٬ كريم أو نكهات اضافية تذكر أن شرب القهوة مفيدة للجسم لكن بكمية معتدلة 2) تناول الفاكهة بدل الحلوى و الشوكولاته حلاوة الشوكولاتة و الحلوى مصدرها السكر المعالج٬ حلاوة الفاكهة مصدرها السكر الطبيعي كما أنها غنيّة بالالياف و الفيتامينات 3) تناول الطعام المحضّر في المنزل الطعام المطبوخ صحي أكثر٬ اذا لم يكن هناك من يحضر الطعام لك تعلّم أن تطبخ٬ ستوفر المال و تتعلم حرفة جديدة!

12 تغيير بسيط على أسلوب حياتك لِصحّة أفضل

4) اركن سيارتك في مكان بعيد عن المكان الذي تقصده سيضيف هذا نشاط جديد الى روتينك اليومي 5) استخدم السلّم بدل المصعد. 12 تغيير بسيط على أسلوب حياتك لِصحّة أفضل. 15 نصيحة قد تمنحك حياةً أطول. نعم٬ الأعمار بيد الله لكن كما أن هناك اسباب و نتائج لكل شيء فهنالك اسباباً عديدة تفسر لماذا يعيش بعض الناس عمرأً أطول من غيرهم. كثير من الابحاث أجريت من قبل العلماء و مراكز الابحاث على مناطق عدة في العالم يتميز ساكنيها بمعدل عمر مرتفع مقارنة مع مناطق أخرى و كان من ضمن النتائج عوامل لها علاقة بطبيعة و جغرافيا المكان و أخرى بسلوك و ممارسات سكّان هذه المناطق. 15 Things Highly Confident People Don't Do. Highly confident people believe in their ability to achieve. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else put their faith in you? To walk with swagger and improve your self-confidence, watch out for these fifteen things highly confident people don’t do. 1.

They don’t make excuses. Highly confident people take ownership of their thoughts and actions. 2. How To Become A Morning Person. You’ve heard it before: Getting up early is good for you. Luminaries from Ben Franklin to Ernest Hemingway to Michelle Obama have endorsed the lifestyle. And studies have shown that being awake in the early-morning hours can boost creativity, help with weight loss, and make you happier. But what if getting out of bed at the crack of dawn seems like the equivalent of scaling Mount Everest after downing a bacon double cheeseburger? You can ease into it with a 21-day challenge — the time it takes to solidify a new habit — and gradually build your endurance for waking with the sun.

29 Ways to Stay Creative. Habits of the World’s Wealthiest People (Infographic) Life Hacks. 1386958356-get-done-35-habits-most-productive-people-infographic.jpg (1280×1035) 5 Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long. Most of us work long hours: 40, 50 or even 60 hours each week. But chances are, given distractions like online entertainment, office snacking habits and ill-designed time management, we're only churning out high-quality work a portion of each day. Here are five practical steps to incorporate into any morning routine to optimize your time at the office and maintain productivity all day long: 7 minutes of exercise. Yep, not 10 -- just seven. The 27 Unspoken Rules Of Wearing A Suit. You can’t expect to look all dapper and gentlemanly without knowing Suiting 101.

Justine Zweibel / BuzzFeed The width of the tie should match the width of the lapel. It’s all about BALANCE. In general, thin lapels are more modern. Doing These Simple Things After Waking Up Makes Your Day Better. You know the drill: open eyes, get up, move yourself robotically to the bathroom, dress up, and get out. Admit it, this is your morning routine. No wonder you’re not functioning at full capacity. No wonder you’re having a really hard time pulling yourself together just enough to be able to smile to your colleagues. No wonder you complain that you can’t find anything that makes your day better. Start feeling better about your day. 10 Most Zen-Friendly Websites to Keep You Calm and Productive at Work. Do you feel like you can no longer cope with the stress of meeting your deadlines? Does the lack of concentration stop you from focusing on your goals?

Are you stuck or stressed out? Then put your headphones on. Try using some of the most Zen-friendly websites on offer that really work wonders for keeping your cool in the workplace. There are so many more sites like this out there, but — for the purposes of this article — I have included 10 of them that I use myself. 1. Yes, that’s exactly what you should do for the next two minutes. 2. 10 Most Zen-Friendly Websites to Keep You Calm and Productive at Work. 10 Strange Ways To Stay Healthy. 25 Killer Websites that Make You Cleverer. It’s easy to forget that we have access to a virtually limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet. For a lot of us, this is even true at our fingertips, thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and an ever-increasing push for online greatness by tech engineers all over the world.

As a result, there are countless websites out there that are geared to make you smarter and more brilliant for either a low or no cost. 101 Google tips, tricks and hacks. Looking for the ultimate tips for Google searching? 101 Google tips, tricks and hacks. Tie DIY [Infographic.