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AIMCC. CRIT. Constructalia. Posted on 07.12.2015Le logiciel TRUSSES+ est dédié au prédimensionnement des structures en treillis de grande portée, en conformité avec l’Eurocode 3 pour le calcul des structures en acier (EN1993-1-1:2005).lire la suite...


>> RILEM. Editorial by the 2015 Honorary President, Prof.


Jay SANJAYAN We take great pleasure in inviting you to the RILEM week 2015 to be held in conjunction with Concrete 2015 (the 27th Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia) in Melbourne, Australia from 30 August to 2 September 2015. This joint event will focus on the theme ‘Research into Practice’ and is dedicated to bringing industry and researchers together. The biennial conference is a major event in the calendar of the Australasian concrete industry.


ConstruirAcier. CTICM. CEPMC. Cefracor. FFAcier. UNICEM. INIES.