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Done Deal Pro - The Business and Craft of Screenwriting. Saskia’s Guide to Producing: The Film Package « New Breed. This is a series of posts delving into the gory details of what it takes to produce an independent film.

Saskia’s Guide to Producing: The Film Package « New Breed

Covering the entire process — from development to fundraising, production, distribution, online strategies and beyond — they will be written in real time, from first hand experience, as I go through the process of producing a feature-length documentary. A few weeks ago I posted about some legal issues and paperwork that you needed to get going for your production. That’s all well and good, but there’s no use in having all your legal stuff worked out if you don’t have a story, and — of course — a really good film package.

What follows is all information I’ve gleaned from various sources- including the internet, several lawyers, and my colleagues and friends in the industry. Writing Loglines that Sell. By Jonathan Treisman Have you ever been stuck listening to a friend tell you a joke that seems to go on without ever reaching the punch line?

Writing Loglines that Sell

Your mind starts wandering and you stop paying attention as the joke painfully loses its momentum. Pitching your ideas effectively, whether from a script, novel or even your own mind, does not come naturally for most of us.