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ALPHA BETA GAMER | DARK DECEPTION, ALPHA DEMO. Dark Deception may look like a horror game, but it’s actually Pac-Man, the creepiest, freakiest Pac-Man game you’re likely to play. You’re tasked with roaming the corridors of the maps, collecting all the shards (Pac-Mans dots) to complete the level. This is easier said than done though as it’s much harder to do from a first person perspective than a top-down view. Not knowing where the enemies are means there are some real jump scares as enemies pop out from behind corners just in-front of you. Also in development for Oculus Rift, there is a story to the game (something to do with you playing a cop on the run), but it doesn’t matter really, all you need to know about this game is that it’s a freaky first person Pac-Man and it’s great. If you like the game please vote for it on Greenlight HERE (It’s still only at 36%) Play the Alpha Demo in a Unity supported browser HERE UPDATE: You can now download the Oculus Rift Version HERE Related.

GT Countdown Video - Top 10 Can't Believe They're Indies. Bubble Struggle games. Orisinal : Morning Sunshine. The 150 Best Online Flash Games. It was a long and exhausting task: playing hundreds of online games for hours in a row, day after day. It was hard, but someone had to do it. The result is the list that you will find below. Enjoy! Action Games 1. IndestructoTank As you probably guessed, on this game, you get to drive an indestructible tank around. Click here to play IndestructoTank 2. A fighting game where you need to beat down several opponents at the same time. Click here to play Electricman2HS 3. Think about Sonic the Hedgehog with a more clean design and some physics effects added. 4. On this game you play a small dinosaur that is trying to escape the imminent extinction from a fallen meteor. Click here to play Dino Run 5. The Matrix fans out there will have fun with this one.

Click here to play Matrix Rampage 6. The Gooples are all around you. Click here to play Amorphous+ 7. Ever wanted to fly around like Spider Man? Click here to play Double Wires 8. We couldn’t leave ninja games out of the list, right? 9. 10. 12. 13. Play Super Mario World Flash | Mario Games Flash.