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Quick Morning Workouts to Start Your Day | Health & Fitness. Homemade Avocado Face Masks | clueyblog. The avocado or “alligator pear” is a tree, which is originally found in South and Central America. The fruits are with green skin and in the form of a pear. The avocado is technically a large berry with a big nut inside. It is very nutritious, has a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels, contains fibers and is full of monounsaturated fat. The avocado facial masks are an amazing source of goodies for your skin. The fruit contains a lot of minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, magnesium, etc. It also contains vitamins A, E, B and K.

Here are some homemade avocado facial masks which are good for any type of skin: 1. Ingredients: 1/2 soft avocado 2 tbs hot water 1 ts honey Preparation and Usage: Mash the Avocado with a fork or in a mixer. 2. Ingredients: 1/2 soft avocado 1/2 banana 1 egg yolk Preparation and Usage: Mash the avocado and banana. 3. Ingredients: 3 avocados 2 lemons Preparation and Usage: Peal the avocados and strain it. How-to recycle those crayon stubs into a swell homemade gift. DIY Cardboard Castle Tutorial - Cost:$4. I have been getting lots of questions about how I made So here's a full tutorial on how to make it yourself!

If you get free boxes, use paint you already have.. then you'll only spend $4(pack of zip ties) to make this castle! I went into my dollar store and asked them if they had any extra boxes.. They were nice enough to let me choose the sizes I wanted and let me load up my car! It always doesn't hurt to ask! Luckily I stopped by the day their trash compactor broke. :) CAREFULLY cut out doors & windows using a utility knife. I used extra cardboard to make a template.. and then traced that on both towers for my windows. I cut out the drawbridge but left the bottom part connected so it could swing up and down. You'll notice the stacked boxes...I cut out part of the bottom of one and top of the other so that they kids could fit in that space. Photos below might help explain that.)

Just mess with it when you are putting the boxes together.. it's in the basement and ready to be moved up whenever we. Humor Train - Funny Pictures, Pic Dumps, Animals and GIFs.: Fun Halloween Idea.


Black and White Halloween Wreath by The TomKat ... | Crafts for Fall. Warehousing | Business. Must Read Blogs for Smart Online Marketers | Business. Using Pinterest for Marketing | Business. All things iPad and Apps | Educational Technology. Christmas. 100 Survivalist Knot Tying Techniques | Lifestyle. Wearable Technology | Lifestyle. Life +1 | Lifestyle.

How To Make a Painted Rug From a Vinyl Flooring Remnant | Crafts. Fun with Felt | Crafts.