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The Django Book: Version 2.0 (English) Django at a glance. Writing your first Django app, part 1. Chapter 3: Views and URLconfs. In the previous chapter, we explained how to set up a Django project and run the Django development server. In this chapter, you’ll learn the basics of creating dynamic Web pages with Django. Your First Django-Powered Page: Hello World As our first goal, let’s create a Web page that outputs that famous example message: “Hello world.”

If you were publishing a simple “Hello world” Web page without a Web framework, you’d simply type “Hello world” into a text file, call it hello.html, and upload it to a directory on a Web server somewhere. Notice, in that process, you’ve specified two key pieces of information about that Web page: its contents (the string "Hello world") and its URL ( or maybe if you put it in a subdirectory). With Django, you specify those same two things, but in a different way.

Your First View Our “Hello world” view is simple. Let’s step through this code one line at a time: Your First URLconf Note.