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A Gamer's Misspelled Rant Becomes An Epic Viral Video. They say that you shouldn't feed the trolls — thankfully a couple of denizens of content creation site Newgrounds did not heed that advice after a kid named Axman13 posted a scathing (albeit grammatically incorrect) comment to a game called Super PSTW Action RPG.

A Gamer's Misspelled Rant Becomes An Epic Viral Video

The above video has been buzzing around the web this week, garnering nearly 300,000 views on YouTube, and more than 660,000 on Newgrounds, where it appeared initially. So where does it come from and (double rainbow!) What does it mean? Well, designer Mick Lauer, the designer who did the animation for the video, tells me that it all started in February 2010, when Axman13 posted a long, rambling comment detailing his qualms about Super PSTW Action RPG. Bestbandewwa. Aziz Ansari Presents: Parks and Recreation - CollegeHumor video.