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{Infographic} 6 Tips for Choosing Digital Tools to Support 21st Century Learning. Center for Action and Contemplation. The question for us is always "how can we turn information into transformation?

Center for Action and Contemplation

" How can we use the sacred texts, tradition, and experience to lead people into new places with God, with life, with themselves? — Richard Rohr The Center for Action and Contemplation seeks to empower individuals to live out their sacred soul tasks in service to the world through educational programs and resources: ∙ Conspire Symposia: Rohr Institute's seven-year series of events in New Mexico.∙ Online Education: Self-paced, online courses featuring Richard Rohr and other master teachers.∙ Living School: Two-year program, combining onsite and online learning.∙ Webcasts: Live teachings from Fr.

Richard streamed online, around the world.∙ CAC Bookstore: A comprehensive selection of Fr. Located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) is the home of the Rohr Institute and its Living School for Action and Contemplation. Visitor Center and Stillpoint Chapel: 1823 Five Points Rd. Ani Pema Chodron. Scarboro Missions Magazine - September 1999. Ten Building Blocks of Catholic Social Teaching September 1999 The following is taken from material written by William J.

Scarboro Missions Magazine - September 1999

Byron, SJ, and featured in America, October 31, 1998, edition. It is based on two documents issued by the United States National Conference of Catholic Bishops: "Sharing Catholic Social Teaching-Challenges and Directions"; and "Summary Report of the Task Force on Catholic Social Teaching and Catholic Education". 1. "Every human being is created in the image of God and is invaluable and worthy of respect as a member of the human family. " This is the bedrock principle of Catholic social teaching. The body of Catholic social teaching opens with the human person. 2. "Every person, from the moment of conception to natural death, has inherent dignity and a right to life consistent with that dignity. " Human life at every stage of development and decline is precious and therefore worthy of protection and respect. 3. 4. 5. Article 28, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Ten Building Blocks Of Catholic Social Teaching. Thank You for Subscribing to Catholic Online Newsletters - Newsletters. You will be receiving an email to confirm your opt-in.

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Newsletters are sent out daily and periodically. Watch your inbox for Catholic Online Newsletters. Sign Up to more Catholic Online Newsletters I Signed Up...Now What? Check your inbox, you should receive an email with the subject line 'Catholic Online: Confirm Your E-Mail Address'. CST Curriculum (ages 4-8) - Anne E. Neuberger, Children's Book Author. Discussion starters: Talk briefly about the beauty of a tree.

CST Curriculum (ages 4-8) - Anne E. Neuberger, Children's Book Author

If possible, examine some twigs with buds, and consider placing them in water. Talk about a tree being a gift from God, and that God has entrusted it in our care. Do an experiment: plant bean seeds in potting soil in three paper cups and place them into a sunny window. In cup No. 1, water the soil, keeping it evenly moist but not too wet. In cup No. 2, water the soil with lemon juice, explaining to the children that while lemon juice might not hurt people, it might hurt plants, like the tree in the story. Big Book ideas: To a new page in the book, add many pictures of creation: flowers, trees, the sky, animals, water, people, and so on. Principle: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable (Adults’ definition) As Catholics, we are called to give preferential treat to those who are poor and vulnerable.

(Children’s definition) Jesus teaches that people who have less than others must be helped and given what they need. Andrew Chinn and Friends.