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El Salvador

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COMPADRES poster 2016 - Google Docs. Welcome to Compadres! Ignite posts continue. Rosita and Ieda, Cinquerra, El Salvador. There is one day that stays with with me, the day we toured the village square of Cinquera and heard stories of the war from Rosita, a slight, beautiful woman with a staggering family history.

Rosita and Ieda, Cinquerra, El Salvador

We stood in the hot square staring at a painted mural documenting the 12-year struggle. Rosita, in Spanish, calmy and forthrightly told the story of some of the people of her town. Prominent in the mural was the face of a young woman, Ieda. A young parish worker, Ieda was passionate about her work, telling the story of the gospels, carrying her bible as a talisman of justice and good work. Ieda's beliefs did not go over well with the army and government that viewed the bible and the gospel as revolutionary tools of the people. Ieda's mother still lives in Cinquera. Over the course of a number of days, the young woman was interrogated and tortured. The mutilated bodies were a message of fear and retaliation for anyone speaking out for justice.

Mcguirp : The streets of Suchitoto #ocsb ... Copy of Compadres by Paul McGuire on Prezi. Day by Day in El Salvador Day Six - Chalatenango. Day Six: except from Tour Builder.

Day by Day in El Salvador Day Six - Chalatenango

Day by Day in El Salvador Day Six - Chalatenango. Day by Day in El Salvador - Day Three. Just adding this in because it is so fun!

Day by Day in El Salvador - Day Three

Now UCA has satellite campuses in various parts of the country including San Jose las Flores where they are training teachers. This will be a good day! All day: Seminars at Central American University (UCA – Jesuit University) covering education topics, e.g. liberation theology, critical pedagogy, popular education, the role of the Church in social struggle, the legacy of Archbishop Romero and the Jesuit scholars. Here is more about the university from Wikipedia:

Tour Builder. Day by Day in El Salvador - A Discussion. We are starting our discussion with Day Two because we will only get into San Salvador around 8:30 PM - too late to do anything but get settled and sleep - the travel days are long!

Day by Day in El Salvador - A Discussion

We start Day Two by visiting with Equipo Maiz. This is the best way to start. Porque eso quiero volver a Bajo Lempa. The best way to describe the work of CORDES is to talk about Rio Lempe.

Porque eso quiero volver a Bajo Lempa

CORDES is very active in this former insurgent enclave. Disputa minera militariza región en San Rafael Las Flores. SAN RAFAEL LAS FLORES — Los soldados y el miedo gobiernan esta región, cuyos residentes, la mayoría de ellos indígenas xincas, todavía recuerdan los terribles días de la guerra civil de tres décadas que padeció Guatemala.

Disputa minera militariza región en San Rafael Las Flores

La presencia militar esta vez obedece a los planes que tiene la firma canadiense Tahoe Resources Inc., de Vancouver, para explotar lo que dice es uno de los cinco depósitos de plata más grandes del mundo. Algunos manifestantes creen que el proyecto, llamado El Escobal, acabará con las fuentes de agua o contaminará ese recurso y cientos de personas han bloqueado carreteras y quemado edificios para tratar de impedir que el proyecto siga adelante. Miriam Muñoz, de 18 años de edad, dijo que el estado de sitio le afecta: sus padres están nerviosos y no quieren que ella acuda a la escuela. "Esto nos afecta, nos sentimos intimidados. Yo considero que la mina sí nos afecta y la situación no va a cambiar. Defienden mina Estado de Excepción Consecuencias Buscaron diálogo. Romero restarts road to sainthood. A.

Romero restarts road to sainthood

By the way, if you want to know if a wall works, just ask Israel. Israel built a wall and it works. Q. And they heave rockets over it. A. Did you get that? 1. 2. Tourist route commemorates Romero. SAN SALVADOR - The Salvadoran government will open a tourist route in honour of Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was killed by death squads in March 1980. The initiative, which will begin next year, aims to boost tourism in the country and at the same time remember the legacy of Archbishop Romero, a staunch defender of human rights and the poor who was hated by the military and oligarchs.

The tour should ensure that “his life and thought are known by foreign visitors and also by new generations of Salvadorans,” El Salvador President Mauricio Funes said from Archbishop Romero’s crypt in the Metropolitan Cathedral, where he announced the plan. Community Radio WERU FM 89.9 Blue Hill, Maine, 99.9 Bangor. Since 2005, volunteers and staff from WERU have been working with counterparts at Radio Sumpul, a community radio station in Chalatenango, El Salvador to build a relationship for the exchange of information and ideas and for experiencing crosscultural community radio solidarity.

Community Radio WERU FM 89.9 Blue Hill, Maine, 99.9 Bangor

Radio Sampul is a community radio station located in Guarjilla, El Salvador, in the northern province of Chalatenango. Radio Sumpul is a twelve year-old station that was started after the Salvadoran civil war (1980 – 1992), along with many other community radio stations around the country, to broadcast social and political issues and music relevant to people at the local level. While struggling to gain legal status in the mid ‘90s, all community stations were forcibly shut down by the government, except for Radio Sumpul, which resisted! In June 2008, WERU hosted two central members of Radio Sumpul. Blanca Miriam Ayala Mejia and Maria Rosa Dubon Orellana. With assistance from the U.S. Compadres-elsalvador-canada. Compadres El Salvador Canada. Tim's El Salvador Blog. Historia. Sister Cities International (SCI): Welcome. Salvaide - Welcome to Our New Site!