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Jason Collins first openly gay active player. High Schooler Protests 'Slut-Shaming' Abstinence Assembly. By Tara Culp-Ressler "High Schooler Protests ‘Slut-Shaming’ Abstinence Assembly Despite Alleged Threats From Her Principal" High school senior Katelyn Campbell A West Virginia high school student is filing an injunction against her principal, who she claims is threatening to punish her for speaking out against a factually inaccurate abstinence assembly at her school. Katelyn Campbell, who is the student body vice president at George Washington High School, alleges her principal threatened to call the college where she’s been accepted to report that she has “bad character.”

George Washington High School recently hosted a conservative speaker, Pam Stenzel, who travels around the country to advocate an abstinence-only approach to teen sexuality. Stenzel has a long history of using inflammatory rhetoric to convince young people that they will face dire consequences for becoming sexually active. GW Principal George Aulenbacher, on the other hand, didn’t see anything wrong with hosting Stenzel. Bieber Hater Logic. China stabbing spree hurts 22 schoolchildren - World. A knife-wielding man injured 22 children and one adult outside a primary school in central China as students were arriving for classes Friday, police said, the latest in a series of periodic rampage attacks at Chinese schools and kindergartens.

The attack in the Henan province village of Chengping happened shortly before 8 a.m., said a police officer from Guangshan county, where the village is located. The attacker, 36-year-old villager Min Yingjun, is now in police custody, said the officer, who declined to give her name, as is customary among Chinese civil servants. A Guangshan county hospital administrator said the man first attacked an elderly woman, then students, before being subdued by security guards who have been posted across China following a spate of school attacks in recent years.

He said there were no deaths among the nine students admitted, although two badly injured children had been transferred to better-equipped hospitals outside the county. The rise in stock of philosophy graduates | World news. "A degree in philosophy? What are you going to do with that then? " Philosophy students will tell you they've been asked this question more times than they care to remember. "The response people seem to want is a cheery shrug and a jokey 'don't know'," says Joe Cunningham, 20, a final-year philosophy undergraduate at Heythrop College, University of London. A more accurate comeback, according to the latest statistics, is "just about anything I want". Figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency show philosophy graduates, once derided as unemployable layabouts, are in growing demand from employers.

The number of all graduates in full-time and part-time work six months after graduation has risen by 9% between 2002-03 and 2005-06; for philosophy graduates it has gone up by 13%. It is in the fields of finance, property development, health, social work and the nebulous category of "business" that those versed in Plato and Kant are most sought after. Open mind Blackburn can take some credit. Newspaper Takes A Stand On Anonymous Commenters. Hide captionLinda Cook eventually revealed herself as the commenter who made a disparaging remark about an Idaho Republican Party official online. Sandy Clemons/Courtesy of Linda Cook Linda Cook eventually revealed herself as the commenter who made a disparaging remark about an Idaho Republican Party official online. The Internet is slowly becoming a less anonymous place.

YouTube has a new policy encouraging commenters to use their real names, and many news sites have switched to a login system run by Facebook. News sites that still allow anonymous comments are finding there are legal risks. The paper's city editor, Addy Hatch, practically has the comment memorized, given the amount of trouble it's caused. "Is that the missing $10,000 from Kootenai County Central Committee funds stuffed inside Tina's blouse?

" Besides insulting Jacobson's appearance, the comment suggested she stole party funds. The paper resisted — on principle, Hatch says. The Promise Of Comment Boards, Often Unmet. On the benefits of a philosophy major « Pleas and Excuses. My fantastic colleague, Ty Fagan, made this graphic from recent data coming from the Educational Testing Service. I thought it was worth a blog post, because students interested in a philosophy major often ask me whether they should do a double-major or minor in “something more practical.” Often, business is the major considered to be more practical. Sometimes Political Science, History and English are even cited by students and parents to be more useful than philosophy. One of my good friends, Andrew Wicklander, runs his own project management group and software company . His wife, Maile, owns a yoga studio .

They are both the sort of “job-creators” touted as crucial to the success of America. Andrew wants to hire smart, articulate people who can identify problems, take them apart into manageable bits, and solve them in unique ways. Thus it is not a surprise (at least to me!) What employer wouldn’t want an articulate employee with great critical reasoning skills? Chick-fil-A store breaks with founder to sponsor LGBT Pride. By David EdwardsWednesday, August 1, 2012 12:49 EDT New Hampshire’s only Chick-fil-A restaurant is going against the wishes of chicken chain founder Dan Cathy by pledging to co-sponsor an LGBT Pride Festival in the state. In a statement on the New Hampshire Pride Festival website, Nashua Chick-fil-A franchise manager Anthony Picolia said he was backing the the event, citing “positive relationships with family, friends, customers and employees in the LGBT community.”

“It would make me sad if someone felt that they were not openly welcomed into my life or restaurant based on their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender,” Picolia explained. “Chick-fil-A at Pheasant Lane Mall has gay employees and serves gay customers with honor, dignity and respect. We also don’t discriminate in giving back to the Nashua community, donating to a wide variety of causes.” “I would challenge people to come have a conversation with me before they make assumptions or boycott my restaurant. David Edwards. Top Chicago Litigators to Retry 2,400-Year-Old Socrates Case Before 7th Circuit's Judge Posner. Legal History Posted Jan 2, 2013 2:12 PM CDT By Martha Neil Star litigators in Chicago are preparing to retry a controversial 2,400-year-old free speech case that famously resulted in the death of Socrates, now considered the father of Greek philosophy, when he drank a cup of poisonous hemlock.

Dan Webb of Winston and Strawn and plaintiffs lawyer Robert A. Clifford, a former chair of the ABA Section of Litigation, will represent Socrates at the Jan. 31 proceeding, which is being held as a fundraiser by the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago. The case for the City of Athens will be made by former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, now a partner at Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom, and Patrick M. Judge Richard A. A website about famous trials hosted by the University of Missouri at Kansas City discusses the Socrates trial in detail. Another UMKC page provides a translation of Plato's version of the apology offered by Socrates at his trial. Hat tip: Chicago Reader. Related coverage: Airport cleaner turns in lost iPad with $13,000 in case, gives away reward. By Vignesh Ramachandran, Staff Writer, NBC News Courtesy Sunshine Cleaning Systems Cleaning service worker Patrick Morgan, second from left, was honored for his honesty Wednesday, in front of airport officials, his bosses, colleagues and the media.

A cleaning service worker at a Florida airport found an iPad – with $13,000 stuffed in its case – and turned it in. He then gave away the small reward he got from the owner to two people in need. But that honesty and kindness paid off for Patrick Morgan, who was honored in a recognition ceremony Wednesday, reported. Back in December, Morgan had spotted the lost iPad and hefty sum of cash when he was working an early shift at Florida's Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. "I opened it first, and I saw all the money, and I quickly closed it back up," said Morgan, of Patrick's Cleaning Service.

Just minutes after Morgan alerted authorities about his discovery, the panicked iPad owner returned and gave Morgan $60 as a reward. Michael Shammas: For a Better Society, Teach Philosophy in High Schools. The past year gives one the suspicion that American society is dysfunctional. Our Congress is useless, our institutions inept. Faced with the terror of existence, young men like Adam Lanza react with violence. Faced with manageable problems such as a "fiscal cliff," our democracy self-destructs. Anger is everywhere; understanding is nowhere. Although a democratic society cannot function unless its citizens are able to rationally debate one another, rationality is missing from American politics. We assail our political enemies with intractable opinions and self-righteous anger. It seems to me that this dysfunctional political dialogue, which stems from the iron certainty we grant our opinions, is the most pressing problem confronting 21st century America.

This raises the question: How can we solve this crisis? Why philosophy? Indeed, philosophy can do a great deal to lessen the anger that is growing like a cancerous tumor in modern America. I think this is a great mistake. DIRECTV - "Don't Have a Grandson with a Dog Collar" 2012 Commercial. Hanna's false confession. 2008 Best Actress - Kate Winslet - The Reader. Witch Village.