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Base 10 Blocks Exploring Whole Decimal Numbers with Blocks. Imagine Tomorrow Computer Classes For Kids. ICDL - International Children's Digital Library. In English. The Site for Books & Readers - Shelfari. Welcome to Speak Up. MathTek - WBGU Public Broadcasting. Wimba. Getting Started with Geocaching.

Welcome to the geocaching community! If you still have questions after reviewing this information, we recommend that you search our Help Center or ask a question in the geocaching Forums. The Game Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location.

At its simplest level, geocaching requires these 8 steps: Register for a free Basic Membership. There are many other levels to the game. If you take something from the geocache (or "cache"), leave something of equal or greater value. The only necessities are a GPS device or a GPS-enabled mobile phone so that you can navigate to the cache, and a Membership. Geocaches can be found all over the world. Yes. It's a very cool story, actually. Getting Started Cache Type: Traditional Difficulty Rating: 1 Cache Size: Regular or Large Inputting Coordinates by Hand Send to GPS.

Super Smart Games - Science Games. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Home.