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Matthew McCoy

Freelance photographer. Always interested in taking on new figures

Everything. Nelly Recchia. Why Relationships?" - Sadhguru. Craigslist: richmond classifieds for jobs, apartments, personals, for sale, services, community, and events. How to get out of your own way and live the life you want. Excuses. We’ve all got a million of them. We find every reason under the sun to justify our inaction. We insist that the time isn’t right. The weather is too cold. We’re too fat, too poor, too indecisive, too finicky, too (insert your own excuse here) . If I could be frank for a minute, there are people who are living like they are literally waiting to die.

"The reason why your windshield is larger than your rear view mirror is because where you're going, is greater than where you've been. Sometimes, these things do not happen in a vacuum. While you can’t change what has been, you certainly can make new choices that will be more life affirming. Your attitude determines your altitude Surrounding yourself with people who look at life in a more positive way can become infectious. So start doing whatever it is that you’ve always wanted to do. Photo credit: gwennypics on Flickr What obstacle have you personally overcome that allowed you to accomplish a lifelong dream?

About Renee King.

Pearltrees videos
