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Sensory Integration Resources

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This page has been created to gather resources for parents, caretakers, and educators of children with sensory integration needs. Resources are intended to be used to help children better navigate the world around them. The resources in this page can be used in the classroom or home.

Teachers and therapist might choose to share the collection in its entirety with parents or just individual links. 5 Steps to Managing Big Emotions Printable Poster for Kids. Daniel Tiger's Grr-ific Feelings Mobile Downloads. Children can play, sing, and learn about all kinds of feelings with their friend and neighbor Daniel Tiger from the hit PBS KIDS series, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

This awesome app allows children to play games and sing songs about feelings. Through play children are able to learn ways to express and process their emotions. Daniel Tiger gives calm down methods and opportunities to practice them. This app cost $2.99 on the Google Play Store. Unsure of IOS – mcatjen

Now Available for Kindle Fire!

Daniel Tiger's Grr-ific Feelings Mobile Downloads

More + Children can play, sing, and learn about all kinds of feelings with their friend and neighbor Daniel Tiger from the hit PBS KIDS series, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. Features Trolley Game – Drive the trolley to discover more than a dozen mini-games about feelings.Sing-Along – Choose from 18 of your favorite Daniel Tiger songs, each one fully animated.Drawing Easel – Use paints, crayons, stickers, and more to express yourself.Feelings Photo Booth – Take pictures of yourself that show lots of different feelings. With Daniel Tiger's Grr-ific Feelings, children can play and explore their feelings through four rich, engaging activities:

Daniel Tiger for Parents Mobile Downloads. Empowers parents & caregivers with songs and videos that help to navigate the ups and downs of life's little lessons!

When young children are upset they often do not not know why or are unable to express themselves. Daniel Tiger's Grr-ific Feelings app for parents gives parents conversation starters and songs with video clips allowing parents to teach children about feelings, normalize emotions, and help them be able to navigate their own emotions. – mcatjen

Designed with busy parents in mind, the app is simple, educational and entertaining for caregivers and children.

Daniel Tiger for Parents Mobile Downloads

More + The Daniel Tiger for Parents app empowers parents and caregivers with songs and videos from the hit PBS KIDS series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. Is your child learning about sharing? Benefits of Messy Play for toddlers. If you’re wondering why you should go to the effort of engaging in Messy Play with your child, read on.

If you are afraid or hesitate of the use of messy play, this article with explain in simple to understand language why it is important and how your child benefits from messy play. – mcatjen

Messy or sensory play can help your child’s development on a number of levels.

Benefits of Messy Play for toddlers

This type of creative play gives children endless ways to develop and learn. Young children rely on sensory input to learn about their environment. Research suggests that sensory play helps build neural connections that support thought, learning and creativity. Sensory play supports language development, cognitive growth, fine / gross motor skills, problem solving / reasoning, and social interaction. Children will experience lots of opportunities to develop their fine motor skills – squishing and squeezing can help develop pre-writing skills. There is potential for early Mathematics by discussing size, shape, height, weight and counting and grouping of various mediums. There are endless opportunities for early Science experiments with mixing, dissolving, temperature, and different textures. Untitled. Coconut Oil Moon Sand ~ Taste Safe Sensory Fun! - Twitchetts. Whether you call it moon sand, cloud dough, or kinetic sand it is a fun sensory experience for kids of all ages.

Coconut Oil Moon Sand ~ Taste Safe Sensory Fun! - Twitchetts

You can find lots of different recipes around the web on how to make your own at home, but after reading quite a few I knew I was going to have to come up with something a little different. My version, a coconut oil moon sand with a summer twist. Ever since doing research for the book I co-authored, The Undeniable Power of Play, I know how important sensory play can be for a child. I also learned how engaging multiple senses is even better. Taste Safe Moon Sand Recipe. How to Make Moon Sand: Make this taste safe homemade moon sand with this easy recipe for a fantastic sensory play experience for kids, using just 3 simple ingredients!

Taste Safe Moon Sand Recipe

Easy sensory ideas are by far one of my family’s favorite go-to activities. From sensory bins to easy sensory recipes we absolutely adore it all! For awhile now Livia has been wanting to give making moon sand a try, but every recipe I was finding online either called for baby oil or powdered tempera paint and quite honestly we didn’t have either of those items in our cabinets and they never really made the shopping list…so this project was continually put off.

And then one day we had a choice of moving an open 5lb bag of flour with us or figuring out what to do with it. So this experiment began. Sensory Gardening with Kids. Sensory Gardening with Kids It is that time of year when we start to dig up the dirt and grow our garden...all with the kids!

Sensory Gardening with Kids

Digging in dirt and kids go hand in hand so when we started our garden for the first time last year, the kids were all over it. They were my biggest helpers when it came to planting, weeding, and of course, taste-testing! This post includes pictures from last year's garden, and we can't wait to get started on our garden again this year!

This post contains affiliate links. Non Food Sensory Bin Fillers for Kids Sensory Play. Sensory Starter Kit for under $20 from the Dollar Tree. This is a post in our Play on a Budget series.

Sensory Starter Kit for under $20 from the Dollar Tree

Other posts include: I thought I'd write a post on how to set up a starter kit of commonly used sensory/play materials for those of you who are just getting started. Every person has their own preferences, of course, but here's a list of what I'd buy (and why!) If I had a budget of $20 and could only shop at one store - the Dollar Tree.

I picked the Dollar Tree because it seems to be everywhere in the US, and ought to be pretty easily accessible for most of you. DIY Sensory Hacks for Kids. If you have children with autism and/or sensory processing disorder, then you're probably familiar with terms like vestibular or proprioceptive.

Dyan from AndNextComesL compiled for her readers budget friendly and easy to make D.I.Y sensory tools including swings, chewables, stretchy bands and more. – mcatjen

Well, to target those specific sensory systems, I have come up with quite a few DIY sensory hacks for kids along the way in my autism parenting journey.

DIY Sensory Hacks for Kids

From homemade sensory swings and a homemade sensory tunnel to DIY chewelry options and a no sew crash mat for kids, these sensory hacks are budget friendly, easy to make, and loads of fun for the kids! This post contains affiliate links. What is a Sensory Diet: Does My Child Need One? - Your Kid's Table. If you suspect underlying (or obvious) sensory issues in your child or toddler, then it won’t be long before you hear or come across the idea of a sensory diet, and then soon after you’re asking, “Hey, wait, What is a sensory diet?”

What is a Sensory Diet: Does My Child Need One? - Your Kid's Table

As an OT, term “sensory diet” is one I’ve used a lot, and is part of my regular vocabulary, but I think there are a lot of common misconceptions and misunderstanding when it comes to sensory diets. Quiet Time Strategies for Sensory Overloaded Kids + GIVEAWAY. How To Create A Self-Regulation Corner for Kids (Feel Better Corner) - Healing Mama. Save This post contains affiliate links I don’t consider myself a parenting blogger.

How To Create A Self-Regulation Corner for Kids (Feel Better Corner) - Healing Mama

I think there is almost too much parenting advice circulating the web now, and it is very overwhelming. Each week there is a new article or blog post telling us what we should or shouldn’t be doing with our kids. I truly believe that every parent knows their child and knows how to parent them. Recently, I discovered a new method for helping my children understand and deal with their emotions. Honey Bee…my sweet girl is full of emotions. Weighted Sensory Bottles: Heavy Work for Active Kids. Discovery Bottles are an easy and fun way to offer kids a great sensory experience without all the mess.

Weighted sensory bottles help children calm down with visually interesting bottles, while getting some "heavy work" input by using muscles to explore the weighted bottles. – mcatjen

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good preschool mess, but sometimes it’s nice to change things up a bit! In our classroom, we have a handful of students who are a bundle of energy at this time of year. They often run around the room during centers and are in constant motion. Please tell me it’s not just us! Easy 1 Ingredient Calm Down Bottles. 11 Best Calm Down Jars. Have you made a calm down jar yet?

Calm Down jars are a fantastic tool to have for children when they are upset. They give calming visual input and have them use their muscles to manipulate the jar, giving them the opportunity to use physical energy in a sage manner. This site gives instructions on creating these jars. – mcatjen

These little bottles are an amazing resource for parents! As the name describes they are great for calming down kids who are in timeout, bored & fidgety in the car, anxious or struggling with sensory overload. DIY Sensory Tunnel - Your Kid's Table. Update: I now have an entire page dedicated to Sensory Processing/Play. If you are looking for more information about sensory play, click here. The term “sensory” is becoming more mainstream, but I know it is still a foreign concept to many people. So, before I dive into what the sensory tunnel is, let me explain a little about “sensory” play, and I do mean a little, this is a very broad topic that I could devote an entire blog to.

Sensory Swings For Kids. GUNGGUNG Swing. Foam Pogo Jumper. Dynamic Sensory Sox.