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Sustainable Communities

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Desigualdad extrema, Articulo Impreso. Recuadros La gran contribución del gobierno Santos a la lucha contra la pobreza extrema se puede resumir de manera tan simple como elocuente. El primero de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, acordados en 2000 por 190 países en Naciones Unidas, es reducir la pobreza extrema y la cantidad de gente con hambre a la mitad para el año 2015. Al ritmo de los últimos veinte años, Colombia solo llegaría a esa meta hacia 2043. El Plan Nacional de Prosperidad Social, que se lanza entre el 14 y el 16 de marzo en Quibdó y Bogotá, busca cumplir con ese objetivo en 2023.

El empresario barranquillero Samuel Azout, alto consejero para la Prosperidad, es el encargado de la tarea, que, si bien representa un apretón del acelerador, distará de resolver esa lacra histórica que hoy padecen al menos un millón y medio de familias. Según él, en 2009 el Estado invirtió 17 billones de pesos en los dos quintiles más pobres de la población, pero esa inversión no conduce al ascenso social. UN discusses the growing number of Iraqi refugees. Mathematical Model Explains How Complex Societies Emerge And Collapse. The instability of large, complex societies is a predictable phenomenon, according to a new mathematical model that explores the emergence of early human societies via warfare.

Capturing hundreds of years of human history, the model reveals the dynamical nature of societies, which can be difficult to uncover in archaeological data. The research, led Sergey Gavrilets, associate director for scientific activities at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis and a professor at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, is published in the first issue of the new journal Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History, the first academic journal dedicated to research from the emerging science of theoretical history and mathematics. The numerical model focuses on both size and complexity of emerging "polities" or states as well as their longevity and settlement patterns as a result of warfare. Share This Article With Planet Earth.

Sustainable Communities: Eco Villages, Intentional Communities, Training, Networks. About Sustainable Communities. There are many definitions and there are many different ways for communities to attain a more sustainable future. The sustainability of a community depends on creating and maintaining its economic and environmental health, promoting social equity, and fostering broad-based citizen participation in planning and implementation. Communities that engage citizens and institutions to develop sustainability principles and a collective vision for the future and that apply an integrative approach to environmental, economic, and social goals are generally likely to be more successful. Job creation, energy use, housing, transportation, education and health are considered complementary parts of the whole. Since all issues are interconnected they must be addressed as a system. The process includes: Sustainability is a process of continuous improvement so communities constantly evolve and make changes to accomplish their goals.

Contact information:CONCERN, Inc.P.O. Institute for Sustainable Communities. Fulltext. Intentional Community (IC)