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Begley: Problems With 'Geo-Engineering' Plans. Center for International Earth Science Information Network. SBCICarbonMetric. Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy - Home. Who's On Board With The Copenhagen Accord? — U.S. Climate Action Network. Christiana Figueres, new UNFCCC Chief, on the Copenhagen Accord An excerpt from the May 18 Climatewire article, "Christiana Figueres, regarded as 'a real uniter,' takes the helm at UNFCCC". A small group of Latin American countries as well as Sudan blocked the Copenhagen Accord from adoption on the final night of the summit. In a televised press conference announcing her candidacy for the UNFCCC position, Figueres said she understood and agreed with the criticisms of those five countries. "What they were bringing out, with which I completely agree, was that the process that was used to come to the Copenhagen Accord was a process that was not as inclusive as it should have been or as transparent as it should have been.

Speaking to ClimateWire yesterday, Figueres called the Copenhagen Accord "a big step forward for all of the participating countries, but it is a small step for the planet. " NGO Reactions to Copenhagen Accord.