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Witter / ? Austerity, labour market and international treaties. Cases of four EU countries in receipt of financial assistance. @ ProMotion / Fotalia Due to the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis several European countries (in particular Greece, Ireland Portugal and Spain) were forced to ask for financial assistance. In return they had to commit to implement so-called austerity measures aimed at reducing their budget deficits. These countries also agreed to implement structural changes such as labour market reforms in order to improve their competitiveness. The most recent case is Cyprus which concluded bailout negotiations in April 2013. Structural reforms of labour markets aim at increasing flexibility with regard to wages, and to hiring and dismissal of workers.

Furthermore, austerity measures have been criticised for having a negative impact on social dialogue and collective bargaining and human rights. Read the complete briefing here. Like this: Like Loading... Related The 2012 European Semester In "Economy and Budget" Youth Guarantees in the EU In "Employment and Social Affairs" Pewresearch : The Demographics of #SocialMedia... The Demographics of Social Media Users — 2012. By Maeve Duggan and Joanna Brenner A late 2012 survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project shows that young adults are more likely than others to use major social media. At the same time, other groups are interested in different sites and services. In the case of Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr, these are the first reportable survey readings by Pew Research allowing comparison of whites, African-Americans, and Latinos.

These readings come from a national survey conducted between November 14 and December 9, 2012 on landline and cell phones and in English and in Spanish. The results reported here come from the 1,802 respondents who are internet users and the margin of error is +/- 2.6 percentage points. Developers - Twitter Firehose Data Mining. The SayZu Dashboard. Learn with Google webinars – Experienced Advertiser – Google Ads. Thrive: Social CRM for Nonprofits and Associations | Small Act. Learn from your successes with our robust reporting tools. Reports include: Detailed summary reports (overview and individual reports for Facebook, Twitter, & Reach and Mentions & Reach Reports.Follows & Unfollows report.

Get the exact information you need: Drill down in each report to see which specific messages drove the most engagement.Toggle 30-, 60-, 90-day views and custom date ranges.Download individual reports as .csv files so you can compare them with other data sources and generate custom reports based on your organization’s needs. In addition to the software, you will receive: Personalized, one-on-one onboarding to the software.Online and phone support.Monthly webinars from experts in social media and Small Act staff. Are you drooling yet? *Email list conversion is only available in our Enterprise packages. Thrive pricing. Bottlenose Is a Game Changer for Social Media Consumption. Is reading your social feeds starting to feel like a full-time job without benefits? Bottlenose is launching a new service on Tuesday that aims to extinguish this common gripe — and it comes closer than any social media dashboard we've seen. Bottlenose fights social media overload with flexible, granular feed customization options.

You can, for instance, follow just slices of Twitter and Facebook feeds, getting someone's tech news while skipping their Foodspotting posts. It's also easy to sort by author influence, trending in your network, your interests (it learns these based on your activity) and pretty much any other criteria. Any of these feeds can be viewed as a visual node map for quick browsing and have automatic actions such as "reply" or "send alert" attached to it. Aside from this technology, there's something unusual about how Bottlenose is sorting streams.

"It's just like Apple made the iPhone," Spivack says, "but 99% of the functionality comes from Apple developers. " Social media Marketing & Social Media Targeting, eCairn Conversation product.