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Datos. gLadget. Reputacion. Social media tools. Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog.

social media tools

Brand monitoring has become an essential task for any individual or corporation. Years ago, when people talked about our brands, it was behind our backs and we almost never found out about it. Cómo medir los SOCIAL MEDIA. Tools. Social media is becoming more and more relevant in the marketing industry. Besides big brands like Dell, Whole Foods, Pringles and Zappos, many small businesses are pouring time and money into this new media. However, the big brothers didn’t just throw their money in without sophisticated matrices to measure their ROI.

But how about us, the small beings? In this article you will find some ways to go about measuring your ROI. Define Your Business Goals.