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SpinKit | Simple CSS Spinners. Source View on GitHub. 45 Must-Have Chrome Extensions For Web Designers & Developers. Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. Another amazing and wonderful collection for the web designers and web developers is presented here. In this collection we are showcasing 45+ Google Chrome Extension for the web designers and developers. As we all know that Google Chrome is not only an old browser but it is also a very popular and famous browser.

Google Chrome is an open source browser that’s why you can easily modify it when where you want. So, here is the complete list of Google Chrome extensions for your use. Palette for Chrome Creates a color palette from any image. ColorPicker 0.9 Web developer color picker / eye dropper. Diigo Bookmark, Archive, Screenshot & Markup – All-In-One Web Collector, must-have research tool. Pendule Extended web developer tools for Chrome. Firebug Lite for Google Chrome™ Firebug Lite is not a substitute for Firebug, or Chrome Developer Tools. CSSViewer BuiltWith Technology Profiler Tape. Htpasswd Generator - Create a htpasswd password. Essential tools for every web designer. Every web designer requires the right tools to do their job. To create well crafted original designs you certainly need to be inspired to do so. Getting to that point is sometimes the hardest challenge in the field of web design.

Luckily enough for us and our fellow design community there are tools available to assist in completing the job quicker and more efficiently. Below, I have outlined a list of tools I recommend for any web designer. Be sure to bookmark these pages so you can utilize them to your advantage like I have! Color Adobe Kuler (free) A great tool offered by Adobe which allows members to upload, create, and edit color schemes of their choice.

Pictaculous (free) From the creators of Mailchimp comes a color palette generator different to any other. Colorzilla (free) (free) Many designers turn to for great inspiration. Hues ($2.99) Interested in native apps rather than web apps? Typography Google Webfonts (free) Font Squirrel (free) Lost Type (from $1) DevTools Extensions For Web App Developers. The past year has seen many leaps made to improve developer productivity through better tooling. We're paying increasing attention to our workflow and many of us have spent time optimising our usage of tools like Grunt, Bower, Yeoman and the terminal. Another important area worth spending time on is your debugging workflow – if you're like me, this starts with the Chrome DevTools.

When building an application with a specific framework or language abstraction, there's actually some additional tooling available to you in the form of recent DevTools extensions. In this post, I'll share a quick summary of the latest developments in this area, ranging from the recent Ember extension Yehuda Katz presented at EmberCamp through to less well known extensions for Backbone and KnockoutJS developers. Note: Canary DevTools disables icons in the toolbar by default, but I've re-enabled them via the Settings cog to aid with visualisation.

Ember Inspector Backbone DevTools Angular Batarang Thorax Inspector. SimpLESS - Your LESS CSS Compiler. Optimizing your Website Speed, Tools and Tips. Having a decent website has never been more affordable than now. With ready-made design templates, free website builders offered with hosting; there are just too many choices. Customers today have choices and getting & maintaining their attention is also harder than ever.

Unless design is your business, adding the latest bells and whistles would get you visitors, but lot more needs to be done to bring users back. Many individuals and businesses now rely completely on their website to bring visitors and make money. Hence focussing not only on how a website looks but also how fast it loads is of utmost importance. Importance of Website Optimization Website Optimization is something often neglected by website owners as well as new web design & development professionals. Creating a beautiful and usable site creates a good impression, but its speed that will ultimately help your customer to make a sale or read the information you want them to read quicker.

Different components of a website 1. Web Design Toolbox: 130+ New Tools to Make You a Better and Faster Designer. Last year we did a post on 50+ tools for Web design. A lot has changed in the past year, and there are tons of new tools available to designers. Whether you're just starting out and need a drag-and-drop builder or you've been coding for years and need tools to help you be more efficient, there's something on this list for you. Here are over 130 tools to make you a better and faster designer. Feel free to add more in the comments. Beginner Resources YAML Builder - Easy to use YAML (Yet Another Multicolumn Layout) XHTML/CSS site layout builder.

Sky CSS Tool - JavaScript CSS authoring app. The Box Office - CSS formatting tool for wrapping text around images. CSSTXT - Online CSS text style generator. - Free CSS menu builder. pForm - HTML form builder. Roxer - Drag and drop website creator. Wirenode - Create your own mobile websites. dotemplate - Template site that allows you to customize templates before downloading them. templatr - Online tool for creating website templates. SeeYouThen! Paste HTML: free anonymous HTML hosting.

Online Editors / Generators

12 Useful Web Tools for Designers. When it comes to design, there’s a plethora of free web-based tools to help you accomplish tasks such as color palette selection, creating unique fonts, editing images, and testing typography. In this article, you’ll find a bunch of handy online utilities for designers. kuler Create kuler is a web-based application by Adobe that helps you create and share color themes. You can peruse the user-submitted color themes or create your own color themes with the kuler Create web tool. pixlr pixlr is a web-based image editor with a Photoshop-like user interface; pixlr has similar features like layers, filters, and even a Clone Stamp tool.

Wellstyled Color Scheme Generator Wellstyled’s Color Scheme Generator is a simple web tool that helps designers produce color themes. FontStruct FontStruct is a web-based tool created by font retailer FontShop for creating, editing, and sharing fonts. Typetester Typetester allows you to test, tweak, and compare screen typography.

TypeNavigator Dummy Text Generator. 12 Portable Apps for Web Designers. A web designer must always have his or her tools handy. Of course, that is most often the case when you’re working from home or from an office where you have your own work computer. But if you are constantly on the move or are doing a lot of demonstrations to your customers at their place of business, you’ll need to carry your programs with you. Scenarios That Benefit the Use of Portable Apps Most designers just carry their laptop with them. But that is not always possible, and many times, the client wants you to show them how the site or application will look on their own computer, projector and other equipment.

In addition, there are those unfortunate times when your computer crashes and breaks with all the data on it and no ways to retrieve it. In those cases, a good backup (or even primary) solution is to carry your own toolset on a portable flash/USB drive. The Feasibility of Using Portable Apps Here are some of the best portable apps for web designers that are a must-have. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Favicon Generator

10 Free Website Thumbnail Generation Services. Automatically created website thumbnails have a wide usage from links in a website to a web application presenting URLs with their thumbnails. Using a website thumbnail generation service is generally a time-saving decision both for the website owner (as it'll be automated) & the visitor (for getting a better idea about the link). Here are 10 free website thumbnail solutions including a "how to on creating your own". Considering you'll probably use one of these services in the future, make sure you bookmark the post. ShrinkTheWeb A powerful & free thumbnail service with 250,000 request limits / month & offers more limits in the paid plans. For the free plan, no custom sizes can be mentioned & inner page thumbnails are not supported (but supports most of the popular sizes).

Websnapr websnapr offers free website thumbnails & puts a "powered by websnapr" phrase over the images. There are ready to use plugins for WordPress, Drupal & more that can be found here. thumbalizr iWEBTOOL Thumbnails. SPAW Editor - SOLMETRA. Brackets - OPen Source Html CSS Editor. 12 Extremely Useful And Powerful Free CSS Tools. Don't Forget to participate in a contest where you can win an amazing e-Commerce template from TemplateMonster. There are many CSS tools available on the internet that help us writing better and valid CSS code.

Such tools are of great importance for the web developers and web designers because achieving good command over CSS is a must to achieve skill for them. Many designers and developers constantly look for fresh and useful CSS tools to add them to their toolbox. Therefore, keeping this in mind we thought to compile a collection of 12 useful CSS tools for the web developers and web designers. With these tools, designers and developers can learn new ways of using CSS3 properties and in this way can increase their work efficiency. CSS3Gen – Generate Useful Snippets of CSS3 CSS3Gen is a CSS3 Generator that allows you to generate CSS3 snippets for Box Shadow, Text Shadow and Border Radius. Stylie – A Graphical CSS Animation Tool Stylie is a fun tool for easily creating CSS 3 animations. Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds - A nice Text- /Tagclound Generator.