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Marine Conservation resources. 6 Moves For Strong, Toned Abs. R. Elle Fowler's (ellefowler) on Luvocracy. Discount Travel & Vacations - Discount Travel - Cheap Travel. 10 Amazing Organizations Bravely Fighting for Marine Conservation. 20 Qualities The Person You're Going To Marry Should Have. While we may not know who exactly we are going to marry, as fully developed, young adults, we have a pretty good idea of the qualities we’re looking for in a partner. This isn’t a little girl’s “Prince Charming” wish list. Think of this, instead, as the list Rihanna’s friends gave to her after she broke up with Chris Brown… for the second time. Despite this suspicious feeling that writing this list will guarantee my future as a spinster, here are the 20 qualities you should look for in the person you marry: 1. Shares your beliefs Regardless if you believe in Satan or sprinkles, your partner should have respect for your views. 2.

Life together will be pretty boring if you can’t learn from each other. 3. If you feel the need to raid your partner’s cell phone, you’re basically displaying your distrust for him or her — what good is a relationship like that? Bottom line: If you go digging for sh*t, you’re gonna smell it. 4. 5. You want someone who brings out your best self. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Recipes.


Travel. Food. One hundred weeks of scotland. Wedding.