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Summer Flat-Belly Meal Plan. Good news if you're trying to uncover those abs in time for bikini season: many of Summer's in-season produce are just what you need to debloat and slim down your midsection. Take a trip to the farmers market and stock up — this meal plan features fresh Summer produce that help blast belly fat! Breakfast: Blueberry Green Monster Smoothie Start your day on the right foot with a light, nutrient-packed breakfast. This blueberry green monster smoothie lets the Summer berry shine — and for good reason, since a diet rich in blueberries may help you shed abdominal fat. Snack: Cantaloupe Bowl Make snack time a little more fun by making a cantaloupe boat.

Lunch: Avocado Strawberry Lime Salad Avocado is so delicious, it's an added bonus that it contains high levels of healthy fats called monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which have been shown to help melt away belly fat. Dinner: Thai Basil Pesto Zucchini Pasta. Get a Hot Bikini Body: 30-Day Meal Plan. LE mi-cuit au chocolat, LA recette ultime. Amateurs de chocolat, lisez bien ce qui va suivre. Mon amie Gaëlle a gentiment accepté de me livrer sa recette de "mi-cuits au chocolat", ou "coulants au chocolat". Le résultat est parfait. Aucun superlatif n'est suffisant pour décrire le goût de ces merveilles. Je n'étais pas sûre d'y arriver du premier coup : je n'ai pas le même four que le sien, ni les mêmes ramequins...

Mais le résultat est là : ils sont parfaits. Evidemment, vous pourriez croire que je dis ça à chaque recette (d'accord, ça peut m'arriver, de temps en temps...), mais ici il s'agit bien de LA recette ultime, celle qui détrône toutes les autres. Gaëlle : MERCI. Et maintenant, la recette : Mi-cuits au chocolat(pour 4 ramequins) Ingrédients : 100 g de chocolat + 8 carrés3 oeufs 80 g de sucre50 g de beurre (+ 1 noix pour les ramequins) 1 cuillère à soupe de farine ( + 1 c. à café pour les ramequins) Matériel : 4 ramequins de terre cuite, ou de céramique, pouvant passer au four Démoulé, il ressemble à un champignon.

27 Ways To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible. Quinoa Meatballs. Stuffed Portobello Burgers with Caramelized Onions. Bliny: Russian crepe-style pancakes. It's Maslenitsa week next week! We must prepare. Maslenitsa in the Russian Orthodox tradition is the week that precedes the 40 days of the Great Lent, when no meat, fish, dairy or eggs are allowed. Therefore, Maslenitsa is the time when people traditionally make bliny - large, thin, crepe-like pancakes that are slathered with generous amounts of butter. In fact, the word Maslenitsa comes from the word maslo, which means "butter. " Maslenitsa falls on the end of winter, so it is also the time to celebrate the coming of spring. Bliny are traditionally served with jelly, sour cream, honey, plain or cooked condensed milk (the same as used in Banoffee Tartlets) and yes, caviar.

Bliny have a reputation of being hard to make. Bliny can be made with yeast, baking soda or no leavening at all. The recipe below is adapted from the one I got from my friend's mom. When growing up, we never used knives or forks when eating bliny. Bliny Makes 20 1 stick butter On medium high, heat a nonstick skillet. Braised Salmon with Soy and Ginger. Chili Chicken and Basil. Zucchini Rotini. Rosemary Roast Chicken With Pan Gravy. Creole Tilapia. A Month of Meals from #CookingStreak | Women's Health Food Blog: Get easy recipes, healthy food swaps, and cooking products. Back in January, I challenged Women's Health readers to join me, the magazine's Food and Nutrition editor, in a #CookingStreak. I am the odd person who likes resolutions, but even for me, the #CookingStreak sounded daunting. Cook one meal a day for an entire month? Maybe, if I were Nigella. And had her crew of grocery shoppers and dishwashers. I’m away from home 12 hours a day, juggling a job and family, and hate doing dishes.

Takeout seemed inevitable. But I not only made it through, I came out a much better, and more enthusiastic, cook. Here are a few more specific lessons that I wanted to share. You do have the time. I'll be sharing more information about some of my favorite dishes from the #CookingStreak in upcoming blog posts. More from WH: Cook Once, Eat For a Week30-Minute Meal RecipesMust-Have Kitchen Tools Want a flatter belly, thinner thighs, and toned arms? Cook Once, Eat for the Week. By Karen Ansel, R.D. 1 of 6 Roast Chicken with Creamy Polenta and Mushroom Ragout Roast Chicken Prep time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 2 hours 10 minutes (plus 15 minutes resting time) 7 lb roasting chicken 1/2 tsp Kosher salt 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/4 tsp ground black pepper 1/2 lemon, quartered 4 cloves garlic, peeled and split in half 1.

Preheat oven to 450°F. 2. 3. Per serving: 141 cal, 3 g fat (1 g sat), <1 g carbs, 159 mg sodium, 0 g fiber, 26 g protein Creamy Polenta Prep time: None Cooking time: 20 minutes 3/4 cup low-sodium chicken broth 3/4 cup 1% milk 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup uncooked polenta 1. 2. 3. Per serving: 177 cal, 1 g fat (<1 g sat), 32 g carbs, 77 mg sodium, 2 g fiber, 7 g protein Mushroom Ragout Prep time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes 2 tsp virgin olive oil 1/2 cup chopped Vidalia onion 1 clove garlic, minced 3 cups sliced white mushrooms 1 pinch Kosher salt 1 pinch pepper 1 pinch dried thyme 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 Tbsp tomato paste. Pesto Sauce Recipe. Print It: The Better-Sex Diet Guide. While the notion of aphrodisiacs is largely unfounded, there are certain foods that can energize you, trigger your libido, and give you stronger orgasms.

That's right--you can eat your way to a better sex life. Here's a sneak peek our our list: Chili Peppers Contain capsaicin: Effects mirror the signs of arousal (sweating, tingles, rapid heart rate, and flushed cheeks) Bananas Helps release serotonin (the happy chemical) into your bloodstream, lifting your mood and calming your nervous system Contain potassium: A mineral that increases muscle strength, an element crucial to orgasm Sushi Salmon and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids: Keeps sex-hormone production humming Tuna contains selenium: Mineral that beelines to your guy's testicles to help increase his sperm count Ginger is a natural blood thinner: Aids overall circulation Edamame contains phytoestrogens: Helps lubricate the vagina Download the guide now, or learn more about the list here.

Health Benefits of Avocado. That guac-and-chips habit might not be as devastating as you thought Guacamole lovers, rejoice! People who eat a daily dose of avocado are typically healthier than those who don’t, according to a new survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers asked 17,567 adults to record everything they ate in a 24-hour period, then analyzed their diets and health. The 347 people who ate an average of half a medium-sized avocado reported more balanced diets containing more fiber, good-for-you fats, vitamins, and minerals. What’s more, they also weighed less and had lower BMIs, smaller waists, and healthier cholesterol levels than those who didn’t eat avocados. It makes sense that avocado eaters would get more of the good stuff found in the fruit, like monounsaturated fat, vitamin K, folate, potassium, vitamin E, lutein, magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6—but that doesn’t tell the whole story. Rise-and-Shine Smoothie Grilled Cheese With Chicken and Avocado.

The Healthy Recipe Finder - smoothie Recipes. 9 Natural Energy Boosters. Tempted to recharge by downing an energy drink? Look elsewhere for your “wings,” according to experts who’ve studied the effects of these beverages. There’s little evidence that energy drinks have unique performance-enhancing powers—beyond making you high on potentially harmful amounts of caffeine. Energy drinks like Monster Energy, 5-Hour Energy, and Red Bull are already under scrutiny by the F.D.A. for their possible involvement in a slew of reported deaths and injuries.

Whatever that inquiry turns up, it’s clear that the caffeine levels in these potables are dicey. “They’re unregulated, so there can be any amount of caffeine, and that varies tremendously from one brand to the next,” says Laura Juliano, Ph.D., an associate psychology professor at American University who studies caffeine addiction. Meanwhile, several experts have spoken out about the other, more exotic components of energy drinks, citing a disconcerting lack of evidence that they have any effect on energy at all. 6 chaines youtube de cuisine à regarder. Pondu par Annelise le 18 février 2013 Tu aimes les recettes mais tu ne visualises pas toujours comment les faire ? Les chaînes YouTube « food » permettent de se rincer l’oeil tout en apprenant les bons gestes. Annelise t’a sélectionné 6 chaînes à regarder tranquillou ! J’aime bien les émissions culinaires. JamieOliver Jamie, chef superstar auteur de nombreux bouquins et animateur d’émissions TV, possède bien entendu son « foodtube ».

Pankajune Cette youtubeuse propose des recettes indiennes et végétariennes, le tout avec des ingrédients traditionnels. Avosbaguettes Cette chaîne n’est presque plus mise à jour, mais reste un petit plaisir à regarder ! Robjnixon – Nicko’s Kitchen Nicko’s kitchen est assez célèbre sur YouTube : ses recettes sont aussi bien fast-food, saines ou encore « petit budget ». Ochikeron LA chaîne YouTube de cuisine kawaii, et plus largement de cuisine japonaise. Hervecuisine Et vous, quelles sont vos chaînes YouTube cuisine favorites ? Plus de Annelise sur le web : Tartare de saumon, la recette de Piment Oiseau. Pour commencer l’année, un peu de frais venu tout droit du blog Piment Oiseau ! Un tartare de saumon tout doux, pour remettre son estomac en place et ses chakras à l’endroit. Vous avez un peu abusé du Champomy et la moindre vu d’un plat gras ou en sauce vous donne des nausées ? Pas de panique. Le plus dur, c’est d’en trouver de bonne qualité. Si vraiment vous n’y arrivez pas, vous pouvez acheter du saumon cuit en conserve, ou utiliser vos restes de saumon fumé.

Je tiens à vous dire que c’est quand même nettement moins bon ! Crédit photo : Ingrédients pour deux parts Étapes 1 – Faites chauffer une poêle sur feu vif et faites-y torréfier les noix de cajou à sec. 2 – Enlevez la peau du saumon et rincez-le sous l’eau froide. 3 – Taillez-le en petits dés avec un couteau bien aiguisé, puis déposez-les dans un saladier. 4 – Coupez l’avocat en petits dés également et arrosez avec le reste de jus de citron. 5 – Mélangez et rectifiez l’assaisonnement si nécessaire. Idées de petits fours simples et pas chers pour le réveillon. Pondu par Sophie-Pierre Pernaut le 31 décembre 2012 Voici 4 idées de petits fours simples et pas chers pour un réveillon bon et peu onéreux (et un peu gras aussi, mais eh). Tu es invitée pour le réveillon OU tu as décidé de l’organiser chez toi OU tu t’y prends simplement au dernier moment ? Tu ne sais pas quoi faire à manger, tu n’as pas trop d’argent parce que c’est la fin du mois et que l’augmentation de 6 centimes du SMIC ne soulagera que très peu ton compte en banque ?

Pas de panique : en bonnes amatrices de gras, Myriam H, Annelise et moi-même sommes là pour t’aider avec des recettes aussi simples que rapides et peu onéreuses. Le guacamole de cousine Myriam H C’est obscène. Il te faudra : Deux avocats bien mûrsUne petite tomateUn petit oignon (« Pas un petit blanc, hein, un normal, mais petit », tient-elle à préciser)Du jus de citronDu TabascoSel & poivreUn mixeur OU une bonne fourchette (et éventuellement une casserole ou une bouilloire) Comment procéder selon la spécialiste : 1298411924420.jpg (635×1104) Les cookies au micro-ondes - Recette. My FAVORITE Chocolate Chip Cookie. I have experimented with countless recipes searching for that perfect chocolate chip cookie. The characteristics of the perfect cookie are a very personal matter, and here are my preferences: texture: chewy w. medium thickness --- everyone has their preference, and this is mine!

Chocolate to cookie ratio: 50/50 --- I really enjoy having a lot of chocolate in every bite chips vs. chunks: chunks --- I like sizeable pieces of chocolate in my cookie. type of chocolate: bittersweet --- I like using Valrhona 61% extra bitter nuts or other add-ins: NONE!! With the above criteria in mind, this recipe is the closest I've come to experiencing CCC perfection. . - Don't substitute the pastry and bread flours w. . - Hand chopped chocolate chunks, NOT premade chips - I will purchase a hunk of the best bittersweet chocolate that I can afford and hand cut them into chunks.

. - Chill the cookie dough at least 24 hours (I let my dough sit anywhere from 2-3 days) before baking. Best Brownies Recipe. Guide nutritionnel.