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DIY - Home Improvement - Do It Yourself. Yes, You Can! How to Remove Wallpaper from Unprimed Drywall. Is there anything more satisfactory than removing a strip of wallpaper in one long piece? When we bought this house, we didn’t notice how many rooms were covered in wallpaper. “Oh, it’s only a few walls…” When it came time to actually do something about it, we couldn’t believe how much wallpaper we were looking at. I pulled a sheet of the original forty-year-old wallpaper just to see what we were dealing with. Before you apply wallpaper you’re supposed to first paint a priming layer over the drywall so the wallpaper can be removed later. Was I doomed to spend the rest of my summer pulling tiny strips of wallpaper off the walls in the back bathroom, just to end up having to spackle over all the gouges in the walls?

I just could not do it. Preferring the immediacy of a wrecking bar to the patience required with careful wallpaper removal, I quickly decided to take down two walls. I thought it would take the crew a long time to remove the wallpaper, but they did it quickly! Internal Walls. Internal Walls Planning Permission You should not need to apply for planning permission for internal alterations including building or removing an internal wall. If you live in a listed building, however, you will need listed building consent for any significant works whether internal or external. Building Regulations If you wish to build a new internal wall, remove an internal wall, or form an opening in an internal wall, building regulations will normally apply. There are typically two types of internal walls: Load Bearing - where the wall provides separation between rooms and is also required to transfer loads from other parts of the structure, roof and floors etc., down to the foundations - view further details below.

New Internal Wall(s) Work to provide a new internal wall generally requires approval under the Building Regulations 2000 In the case of conversion projects: Removal of Internal Wall(s) Care should be taken before removing any internal wall. Further information Electrics Beam(s) 20 Things You Can Do, No Planning Required. Many home improvement projects can be done under Permitted Development rights What is permitted development (PD)?

Under PD you are able to undertake certain projects without needing planning permission. 1. Internal Remodelling If what you propose does not require you to extend the overall footprint of the dwelling, Permitted Development (PD) allows you to carry out the work without obtaining full planning permission. (MORE: An Introductory Guide to Building Regulations) 2. You do not normally need planning permission to replace or add new windows in the original walls of your house — but you may need permission if conditions were attached to the original permission. (MORE: Our Guide to Choosing Windows) You don’t normally need planning permission to put in new door or window openings. 3.

(MORE: Convert Your Garage to a Living Space) 4. You can build various single storey extensions including conservatories without planning permission, providing the extension accords with the following: 5. 6. Kamień na ścianę « DomTrendy. Ciekawym i oryginalnym rozwiązaniem do salonu jest kamień na ścianę. Spójrzcie na te przykłady wykorzystania kamienia w salonie. Dobrym pomysłem jest umieszczenie kominka lub świec dekoracyjnych, które chronią przed uczuciem chłodu. [fot. via : momoy] zobacz również:Tapety nowoczesneFototapetaDekoracja wnętrz : ściany. Install Prefabricated Shower Stall or Tiled Shower - Pre-Fab Shower Stall - Tile Shower. You're remodeling your bathroom.

You need a new shower/tub. Should you install a prefabricated (prefab) shower stall or construct a tiled shower stall? Answer: Shower stalls come in 2 main types: the pre-fab shower stall unit made of fiberglass or acrylic or the custom-built shower made of tile or stone constructed from scratch on the premises. Prefabricated Vs. Tiled Shower Stalls Pre-Fab in a Nutshell: Pre-fabricated shower stall units are formed in a factory, ready to be installed as soon as they are delivered to your house. For years, pre-fab shower stall units were considered a notch below tiled stalls because manufacturing techniques were not sophisticated--your choice of beige or white, basically.

Pre-fab shower units made of fiberglass or acrylic don't always have to be replaced entirely. Tiled Showers in a Nutshell: The tiled shower stall is built from scratch by carpenters and tilers. Quick Tip: Looking for a greener alternative to ceramic tile? Pre-Fabricated Shower Unit Advantages. Home Remodeling Projects - Remodel Home Yourself or Hire Pro for Home Remodeling - Chart. Bathroom Remodeling - Switch Toilet and Sink. Q. "My bathroom is backwards! The toilet is three feet from the doorway, and the sink is tucked away in a nice quiet corner. How hard can it be to reverse them?

" A. At first glance, switching your toilet and sink when remodeling your bathroom looks like a fairly easy project. How hard can it be to move the sink and toilet and plop them down in opposite places? Two Issues to Bear in Mind The problem, though, lies in not the surface elements--sink and toilet--but in the underlying plumbing. Specifically, there are two issues to look at. Concrete Slab Foundation Adds Difficulties If your house is on a concrete slab foundation, you'll have to break up the concrete to install the new drains. And Even More Costs... Also think of the building materials that surround the toilet and sink. The Bottom Line Switching your sink and toilet is an expensive proposition on its own.

Which are the best new boilers to buy? By Dan Hyde Updated: 00:01 GMT, 9 January 2010 Got an old boiler trundling along in the airing cupboard at home? Are the Big Freeze's sub-zero temperatures making early morning starts unbearable? Radiant: A new boiler can down your monthly household bills If the answer to the above is a definitive 'yes', then you might want to think about upgrading your boiler. Furthermore, the Government has just launched a new scrappage scheme, whereby trading in an old – but working – G-rated boiler can earn you a £400 discount on a new ultra-efficient A-rated model. Although only 1 in 25 households with G-rated or worse boilers will be able to take part in the Government scheme, some gas suppliers are offering attractive alternatives. Older boilers are now so inefficient compared to modern, eco-friendly models that upgrading can save you up to £235 a year. ›› What different types of boiler are there?

Nowadays, almost all new boilers are condensing types. 'Combi' boilers Heat-only boilers Oil boilers Which?