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Clinical Skills Resources

Facebook Twitter HSE: Risk management – health and safety in the workplace. Employee checklist : Department of Health - Managing your organisation. Employee checklist Last modified date: 8 February 2007 The National Task Force on Violence has created the checklist to ensure social workers know their rights and obligations in preventing violent incidents. Combating Violence Against Social Care Staff Violence, threats and abuse to staff are unacceptable. This includes sexual and racial harassment, and threats to family and property. Violence and abuse are NOT part of the job. Managing violence, threats and abuse is the responsibility of both the employer and employee. Your EMPLOYER has the primary responsibility It includes providing you with: The Task Force has provided a Self-audit Tool for employers. Self-audit tool: introduction and overview But you have responsibilities too Familiarise yourself with your organisation's procedures, including those for when you areworking away from your base or with colleagues from other organisations Be prepared is there a history of violence?

Plan what you and others will do.The plan should: It should: HSE: RIDDOR - report an incident at work. HFS — Incident Reporting and Investigation Centre (IRIC) Simulation Centre. HomeAcademic SchoolsCollege of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare Apply now Pause Undergraduate prospectus A-Z of courses Welcome to the College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare We are a major provider of nursing and midwifery courses in the Berkshire and West London area.

Our pre-registration educational courses help to prepare candidates for admission to a relevant part of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Professional Register. Our post-registration and continued professional development courses enable practitioners to maintain their knowledge and practice at the highest level. iLd6AMPpnwE MIdwifery Ch_5QQglSCc Learning Disabilities Youtube 1Nt0u9FgXIo Midwifery 0l6SaHiZUJs Adult nursing BbOcpYZnRDw Child Nursing Why study at the College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare? Learn more about the College Open days Meet us in Berkshire or West London Speak out safely We want you to be able to Speak Out Safely.

Our simulation centre Our partners Aug162015. Xid-105535_4 (application/pdf Object) Hand Hygiene Resource Center. Bls.pdf (application/pdf Object) British Hypertension Society.