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A simple MVC framework with node and express - Tim Roberts. I love frameworks.

A simple MVC framework with node and express - Tim Roberts

As soon as I dropped my programmer’s ego and learned to embrace well conceived conventions over configuration my development and deployment times felt the benefit. On the other hand, I like understanding what is going on underneath the hood which there is a danger of losing sight of when using a framework. And this brings me to why I love node.js and express. For me they provide an boilerplate for a framework: the tools I need to quickly build my own conventions. Querying MySQL with Node.js. Node.js is slowly making inroads in normal web development routines.

Querying MySQL with Node.js

There are a number of modules available for Node to work with almost any requirement you imagine, although the stability of many of them is open to question. Although I’ll surely not switch my development practices to Node from PHP any time soon; for many tasks Node would be a perfect match. For example for one site I use a CRON job to regularly sync remote data to MySQL. Node with its support for asynchronous requests may possibly help me make the data syncing faster. Tutorial - Getting Started With Node.js, Express, MongoDB.