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What is the proper way to make an AJAX call in component? - Joomla Stack Exchange. There is almost no really official way of dealing with this, it much depends on the complexity and how much you want to rely on the MVC pattern to do the work. Below are some possible solutions what should work in Joomla 2.5 and 3.x. The code is not presented for a copy - paste job but rather as a general idea. Prior to Joomla! 3.2 the only thing you need to use the examples below is a component. After Joomla 3.2 (for lower complex tasks) you can handle request from modules and plugins. Your URL for the task needs to look like this: index.php? You than create the controller which will use the view, let's say Abc, which will contain the file view.raw.html (identical to a normal view file).

Below you have the code for generate a raw HTML response: /controller.php /views/abc/view.raw.php /views/abc/tmpl/default.php <? Note: This is the solution I would use if I had to return HTML (it's cleaner and follows Joomla logic). If you make your Ajax request to a subcontroller, like: index.php? Joomla! Tutorial - Captcha for Product Inquiry (Ask a Question) - Reduce Spam. I have noticed that there are many posts of people wanting to use captcha in VirtueMart, specifically using the "Ask a Question" feature for product inquiry.

I was looking for this as well as I have been getting about 4 Spam inquiries a day. After many, many hours of reading and tweaking, I have finally figured out a fairly straightforward and easy way to add captcha to this. Since it was so hard for me to find and figure out how to do, I thought I would share with everyone how I got this accomplished. This tutorial involves three basic steps:1. Signing up for reCaptcha so you can use their wonderful service2. Downloading and configuring the JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator plugin3. Step 1Go to the website. Step 2Go to the website and download the Joomla reCAPTCHA Integrator Plugin.

Save the file and you are done. Hope this helps someone! Joomla 3.0 conversion changes needed when converting a common installable package for “joomla 1.5.x & 2.5.x” to “joomla 3.0 | Joomla Development. This is the first of our Blogs in the Joomla 3.0 Discovery series. Joomla 3.0 is an awesome release & we are discovering new stuff with it as we use it everyday. We hope to share our new found knowledge with the community through this series. The series will cover topics for end users, administrators as well as developers. We are working on ‘Converting common installable packages for “joomla 1.5.x & 2.5.x” to “joomla 3.0” ’. Here are the minimal changes we had to make to get it to work on joomla 3.0. Note that, some of the changes mentioned below were ideally should have been made in ‘joomla 1.5 to joomla 1.6’ & ‘joomla 1.7 to joomla 2.5’ conversions BUT as we had to keep single installable package for all joomla versions including 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x, 2.5.x we skipped some of those changes needed during those conversion phases. 1.

Changed From Changed to 1.B Module Manifest 1.C Plugin Manifest 2. 3. 4. Component changes in general-5. 6. 7. Example- 8. 9. 11. 12. 17) JRequest is deprecated. JDatabase/1.5. Using the JTable class. This tutorial is for In Joomla! 1.5. Writing an extension of JTable The JTable class is an implementation of the Active Record design pattern. It is used throughout Joomla! To use JTable, create an extension of the class. When naming your class extension, the convention is to prefix it with 'Table', then follow with a CamelCased version of the table's name. An important thing to note here, is that the file containing your table class, has to be named the same as the class minus prefix in lowercase.

Finally, create a constructor for the class that accepts a reference to the current database instance. If you were using this class as a part of a component called 'Recipes', you would place this code in the file /administrator/components/com_recipes/tables/recipes.php. You can use this functionallity just as well outside components, i.e. in plugins and modules.

Using a JTable class extension Once the table class is in place, you can use it in any Joomla! If doesn't work use: Checkout/Checkin Read. The Handpicked jQuery Plugins Repository. Supercharge your website! A handpicked collection of jQuery plugins.


Joomla database class and Functions | joomla database.