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The Worlds Safest Home. The Safe House,” designed by KWK Promes in Poland is designed to be the world's most secure home.

The Worlds Safest Home

With moveable concrete walls that seal shut, making The Safe House impregnable, it's little mystery where I am going to run when the zombie apocalypse happens. Politics Explained. FEUDALISM: You have two cows.

Politics Explained

Your lord takes some of the milk. PURE SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all of the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need. The AOLer Translator. Hello With Cheese & Archive & Bigger on the Inside Timeline. Lion-king-simba-can-has-lands.jpg from Presidential Prank of the Day. American Society for Velociraptor Attack Prevention. Calvins Dad: The Original Troll Scientist. Calvin’s Dad, the perpetual troll scientist of Calvin and Hobbes — if he doesn’t know something, he’ll certainly pretends he does:

Calvins Dad: The Original Troll Scientist

Michael Jordan is So Rich. Mapping Stereotypes on the Behance Network. Am I doing this right? 27 Banal Observations of a Recent Immigrant & Jane Copland. This post is in response to, and inspired by this fantastic article in the Guardian by Paul Carr. As Carr did in his piece, let’s just get this over and done with. Here are the things I’ve noticed about the UK in the past seven weeks. Please note that many of these are in jest, or at least are written with a love for all three countries I’ve lived in. There’s no need for the irate comments, emails or tweets I’ve received over the past few weeks (since this became popular on StumbleUpon again).

Calm down, Internet peoples.