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Max von Gaja

Ich befinde mich hier gerade in einer temporären Anomalie

Index. 6_der_quantenphysiker_jean_emile_charon.pdf. Others. Der Matrixblogger Jonathan Dilas - Weblog über Träume, außerkörperliche Erfahrungen, Astralreisen, luzide Träume, Weltpolitik, Reinkarnation, Jenseits, Naturwesen, Ufos, Infrarot, Außerirdische, Aliens › Matrixblog Traumtagebuch über Träume, Astralreisen, Überlebensforschung. Galactic Channelings - Deutsch. Feedly. Tat 7 Germanitas. UFO's, 2010-2011-2013-2014 UFO, UFO Sightings, ZOOM º Live HD web cam images,OLD STONE TOWER PICS, Latest UFO pictures, 2010-2011-2013-2014 First Contact. Live ufo Contact,º. The use of these environmental web cams yields to me unidentified technology that seems to be cleaning up the global warming problem.

Former Vice President Al Gore would call it ”An inconvenient truth”. Personally I think they are truly UFO"s but it could be secret Governments or The United Nations Technology, either way who cares if it works for the Planet than it works for me!. I've had a very difficult problem with my sightings and some mental health officials who keep me in check, the pharmaceutical industry and the general negative attitude about our future are problems to me. I would say if push comes to shove or you see a UFO and get nervous call your local athorities and stay calm. It is highly likely you'll be talking to a team of doctors that don't understand Al Gores book ”An inconvenient Truth“.

Stick to your guns and get some help!. 1) I have myself 2) I have a mother 3) We have this Earth 4) We all live on this troubled planet 5)War against anything is not my answer. Numbers. Oddcast Bot: WorldWide Telescope Web Client. Alles Schall und Rauch. Grenz|wissenschaft-aktuell. MrSuicideSheep.