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Socialgraphics Help You To Understand Your Customers: Slides and Webinar Recording ÂŤ Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing. Companies should have a ‘Customer Strategy’ not a ‘Twitter or Facebook Strategy’. To start, first understand your customers social behaviors, below are the slides and recorded webinar featured yesterday by Charlene Li and myself. We know that customers are adopting new technologies to communicate with each other –and companies must change their own behaviors to reach them.

Yet, to often, we hear of companies ‘fondling the hammer‘ where they have knee-jerk reactions to which ever technology emerges. The problem with this strategy is that new technologies are emerging in rapid iterations due to low-cost of innovation. We focus on disruptive technologies, and know we don’t have all the answers, so we want to work with the community. Above: Access the slides on slideshare (you can download them in PPT format) Above: Listen and watch the recoded webinar, there were over 600 attendees in real time, making it interesting to watch the discussion in the chat and in Twitter. Now in Russian, thanks. Recognized Leader in Email and Cross-Channel Marketing. Facebook "Likes" More Profitable Than Tweets [STUDY]

If event registration site Eventbrite's experience is any indication, social media marketers looking for monetary returns on their efforts might get more value from Facebook than Twitter. The company announced Wednesday that an average tweet about an event drove 80 cents in ticket sales during the past six months, whereas an average Facebook Like drove $1.34. The study, which used in-house social analytics tools to track ticket sales on the site, was a continuation of a similar analysis the company released in October after analyzing data from a 12-week period.

That study also indicated Facebook drove more sales for Eventbrite than Twitter, although the difference between the two networks' sales per post was greater at that point than throughout the entire six-month period (the "value" of tweets increased). It's important to note that only a very small percentage of site visitors shared event pages on either network. Obviously people are more likely to share events if they are attending. 5 Steps to Achieving Success With Video Marketing | Social Media Examiner. Social Media Marketing By The Numbers. Ever wonder how much was being spent on social media marketing ? Or maybe which social sites the money was going to? Check out the Social Media Marketing by the Numbers infographic to answer these questions and more. Thanks to CreditLoan for creating this infographic. Research Insights Into Measuring Facebook Fan Activity. Auto-Tracking File Downloads & Outbound Links | Measuring Success.

Protocol. Jump to: XML tag definitions Entity escaping Using Sitemap index files Other Sitemap formats Sitemap file location Validating your Sitemap Extending the Sitemaps protocol Informing search engine crawlers This document describes the XML schema for the Sitemap protocol. The Sitemap protocol format consists of XML tags. All data values in a Sitemap must be entity-escaped. The file itself must be UTF-8 encoded. The Sitemap must: Begin with an opening <urlset> tag and end with a closing </urlset> tag. All other tags are optional. Also, all URLs in a Sitemap must be from a single host, such as or Sample XML Sitemap The following example shows a Sitemap that contains just one URL and uses all optional tags. <? Also see our example with multiple URLs.

XML tag definitions The available XML tags are described below. Back to top Entity escaping Your Sitemap file must be UTF-8 encoded (you can generally do this when you save the file). Sample XML Sitemap <? Syndication feed <? Website Optimizer. How to measure Facebook Page fan growth and fan engagement with Insights. Agricultural Marketing Service - Agricultural Marketing Service - Home.