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FLL 2015

Facebook Twitter EV3 Tutorial — STEMcentric. This tutorial for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 is divided in two sections.

EV3 Tutorial — STEMcentric

The “Essentials” are things every EV3 programmer should know. Some of these movies have exercises directly under them. Combined Rubrics2014.pdf. FLL WORLD CLASS 2014 - Overview of the Challenge Video. FLL WORLD CLASS 2014 - Project Video. FLL WORLD CLASS 2014 - Robot Game Video. FLL-WORLD-CLASS-Identify-a-Question.pdf. FLL-WORLD-CLASS-Activity-Communicate-It.pdf. FLL-WORLD-CLASS-Topic-Guide-v2.pdf. FLL-WORLD-CLASS-Challenge-FINAL-v2.pdf. FLL WORLD CLASS Resources. We provide these resources to help you start your Project research, but do not limit yourselves to the list below.


Remember that your library, school, local government, museum, park district, or activity center may have a lot of information to share about learning. Contacting professionals is also a good way to learn about the topic. Read more in the Ask a Professional section.