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Concursos. Presentaciones. Design thinking. Universidades diseño. Cool hunting. Diseño salvando al mundo. Intersections Day One: Tom Hulme. El pensamiento de diseño es un experimento fallido.Entonces, ¿Qué sigue?| Co.Design. The decade of Design Thinking is ending and I, for one, am moving on to another conceptual framework: Creative Intelligence, or CQ. I am writing a book about Creative Intelligence, due out from HarperCollins in fall 2012, and I hope to have a conversation with the Fast Company audience on this blog about how we should teach, measure, and use CQ. Why am I, who at Business Week was one of Design Thinking's major advocates, moving on to a new conceptual framework? Simple. Design Thinking has given the design profession and society at large all the benefits it has to offer and is beginning to ossify and actually do harm. Helen Walters, my wonderful colleague at Business Week, lays out many of the pros and cons of Design Thinking in her post on her blog.

Design consultancies hoped that a process trick would produce change. I would add that the construction and framing of Design Thinking itself has become a key issue. There were many successes, but far too many more failures in this endeavor. 80 Citas inspiradoras sobre Diseño | Diseño estuvo aquí. These quotes will surely inspire, assist, motivate, and help every one about Design. Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose. — Charles Eames Everything is designed. Few things are designed well. — Brian Reed There is no design without discipline. €” Massimo Vignelli People ignore design that ignores people. — Frank Chimero I’ve always held to the belief that the practice of creating compelling graphic design occurs not by employing the principals of a democracy, but rather, that of a monarchy. — Thomas Vasquez Good design is obvious. €” Joe Sparano Every designers’ dirty little secret is that they copy other designers’ work.

€” Aaron Russell The most innovative designers consciously reject the standard option box and cultivate an appetite for thinking wrong. — Marty Neumeier Visual design is often the polar opposite of engineering: trading hard edges for subjective decisions based on gut feelings and personal experiences. Customer Emotional Needs in Product Design -- Khalid and Helander 14 (3): 197 --

Diseño de juguetes. Se llevó a cabo el primer Concurso de Diseño de Juguetes tecnología e ingenio, donde pudieron verse nuevas aplicaciones para tipologías tradicionales. Creatividad, tipologías innovadoras, incorporación de tecnología y rescate de formatos tradicionales. Todos esos los factores tuvo en cuenta el jurado del primer Concurso Nacional de Diseño Ideando Juguetes a la hora de elegir a los ganadores.

El certamen fue organizado por la Cámara Argentina de la Industria del Juguete (CAI), con el apoyo del Plan Nacional de Diseño y las cátedras de Diseño de la FADU-UBA. Y reunió 226 proyectos de todo el país, que compitieron en las categorías Profesionales y Estudiantes. Triciclos, juegos de mesa y estrategia, mobiliario didáctico y figuras de acción. El primer premio, en la categoría Profesionales, fue para el triciclo eléctrico Triway, que admite dos posiciones de uso: sentado y parado.

En tanto, Iwoká, La tierra sin mal, obtuvo el 2° premio. VARIOUS STUFF.


Logos. ERGONOMICS. Banco de fotos. Sketch. FASHION. Sustentable, Social y Ambiental. Presentaciones. Tutoriales. Color. Ideas de graficas. Libros de diseño. Blogs diseño. Empresas de diseño. Para innovar. Packaging. Programas diseño. Morfología.