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Blog Design Heroes | Blog Design Gallery. CSS WordPress : modifier les couleurs de son blog #1. CSS: Techniques, Tutorials, Layouts - Smashing Magazine. Mastering CSS, Part 2: Advanced Techniques and Tools - Smashing. Advertisement CSS is one of the most basic building blocks of modern web design. It creates the structure and style that surrounds your content and is capable of making your site a joy to use or a pain in the neck. Mastering CSS is one of the most important things a web designer can do, and has really become an essential criteria for being a successful designer. In Part 1: Styling Design Elements we covered the basics of web design with CSS. In Part 2 we’re offering up some more advanced techniques and effects you can achieve with CSS.

Everything from creating your own online apps (like calendars) to styling web pages for use with the iPhone to some basics of working with CSS3 is covered here. 1. CSS can be used to build calendars, timelines, and even “tables” (or charts). CSS/jQuery Sequential List Have you ever had to manually code something that is sequential? Date displays with sprites This tutorial explains how to achieve an original date display using CSS sprites. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Free CSS Layouts And Templates - Smashing Magazine.

Advertisement As a web-developer you don’t have to re-invent the wheel all the time. If it just has to work, and has to be valid, and has to have a nice, visually appealing design hierarchy, you just can use css-techniques developed in the web-dev-community over the last few years. If you take a look around, you’ll find many templates, which include basic (X)HTML/CSS-markup. You can start from there, learning and exploring the possibilities of CSS and modifying templates for your exquisite taste. Usually developers require a link to the site where the template was downloaded from. (X)HTML- and CSS-Templates Open Source Templates1 15 impressive templatesOSWD2 Hundreds of templates and layouts of all possible kinds.OSWT3 A huge collections with search- and sort-functions.

Footnotes Fixing technical issues on mobile is annoying. Click For Webdesign Webdesign Magazine. Tutorials – Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now Modern development APIs work like agents for sharing information to other 3rd party websites. I’ve written many past tutorials about API development to help anyone new to this process. There are so many web-based services that it’s tough picking something to grab people’s attention. In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can access the Forrst API using jQuery. Some API wrappers actually require server-side code like PHP or Ruby. But it’s often easier to work with JSON objects instead.

Read More I was browsing through websites one day and came across one really interesting feature. So in this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can build a very simple HTML5 webpage recreating a full author bio display. Read More Any company selling a service with payment plans usually breaks up the structure into different packages. For this tutorial I want to demonstrate how we can create pricing tables with just a bit of HTML5 and CSS3. Jardin Zen css: La beauté de la conception CSS. Alors, de quoi s'agit-il ?

Il faut sans cesse montrer la puissance de CSS. Le Jardin Zen vise à exciter, inspirer et encourager la participation. Pour commencer, regardez quelques designs présents dans la liste. Cliquer sur l’un d’eux appliquera son style sur cette page. Les CSS permettent un contrôle total de la mise en forme d’un document hypertexte. Participation Notre objectif a toujours été de promouvoir les designs de qualité. Vous pouvez modifier la feuille de style comme bon vous semble, mais pas le code HTML.

Téléchargez les fichiers d’exemple HTML et CSS pour travailler sur une copie locale. Avantages Pourquoi participer ? Conditions Si possible, nous aimerions surtout voir l’utilisation de CSS 1 et 2. Heureusement, concevoir de cette manière démontre comment les différents navigateurs ont maintenant bien implémenté les CSS. Nous vous demandons de soumettre des créations originales, merci de respecter les droits d’auteur. Par Dave Shea. Ten CSS tricks you may not know.