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Enterprise Resource Planning. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Enterprise resource planning (letteralmente "pianificazione delle risorse d'impresa", spesso abbreviato in ERP)[1] è un sistema di gestione, chiamato in informatica sistema informativo, che integra tutti i processi di business rilevanti di un'azienda (vendite, acquisti, gestione magazzino, contabilità etc.) Con l'aumento della popolarità dell'ERP e la riduzione dei costi per l'ICT (Information and Communication Technology), si sono sviluppate applicazioni che aiutano i business manager ad implementare questa metodologia nelle attività di business come: controllo di inventari, tracciamento degli ordini, servizi per i clienti, finanza e risorse umane.

Storia[modifica | modifica sorgente] A tutt'oggi i moderni sistemi di ERP coprono tutte le aree che possano essere automatizzate e/o monitorate all'interno di un'azienda, permettendo così agli utilizzatori di operare in un contesto uniforme ed integrato, indipendentemente dall'area applicativa. ^ L. Business Apps: Flying Logic: That Would Be Illogical, Captain. Some years ago in "A Not-at-All Foolish Consistency," 2002-09-10), I raved about Sciral Consistency, a simple but brilliantly effective application that gently reminds you of activities that need performance periodically. Now Consistency's author, Robert McNally, is back with a new program: Flying Logic. You probably don't remember this, but one of the first articles I ever wrote for TidBITS was about an application for charting logical arguments, MacEuclid (see "MacEuclid," 1992-11-23)).

It was a thesis project, and was never developed further. Flying Logic is like MacEuclid on super-steroids. You could learn about the Theory of Constraints and develop a diagram on paper, on a blackboard, or using a diagramming tool such as OmniGraffle (see "Connect the Dots with OmniGraffle," 2006-02-13); but Flying Logic has some important advantages. I don't think you can just pick up Flying Logic and start playing. The key to conflict resolution is to question your assumptions. Theory of constraints. The theory of constraints (TOC) is a management paradigm that views any manageable system as being limited in achieving more of its goals by a very small number of constraints. There is always at least one constraint, and TOC uses a focusing process to identify the constraint and restructure the rest of the organization around it. TOC adopts the common idiom "a chain is no stronger than its weakest link. " This means that processes, organizations, etc., are vulnerable because the weakest person or part can always damage or break them or at least adversely affect the outcome.

History[edit] An earlier propagator of the concept was Wolfgang Mewes[2] in Germany with publications on power-oriented management theory (Machtorientierte Führungstheorie, 1963) and following with his Energo-Kybernetic System (EKS, 1971), later renamed Engpasskonzentrierte Strategie as a more advanced theory of bottlenecks. Key assumption[edit] The five focusing steps[edit] Constraints[edit] Breaking a constraint[edit] Rule. - Review, Pricing, Features, Comparison, Demo & Trial.

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