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Everything I Know About Focus Groups, I Learned From This. The Intellectual Roots of Grounded Theory. Processing Qualitative Research Data With Tinderbox. I wrote a while back that I often use a piece of software for the Mac called Tinderbox to churn through messy, unstructured focus group data and see the meaning and inherent structure in a soup of qualitative data.

Processing Qualitative Research Data With Tinderbox

I was fortunate to be asked to present my method at a Tinderbox Weekend last November by Tinderbox auteur Mark Bernstein. It's a complicated process at the start, but once it's set up correctly you can zip through qualitative research data pretty quickly and develop structure in the process. Tinderbox is great for this because, unlike a traditional outliner, you don't have to impose that structure at the beginning of the process, and you don't have to find a single "box" to put information in. Qualitative data is messy, because people are messy--they don't all fit into single boxes either. The Qualitative Report - Mobile and Cloud Qualitative Research Apps. Lifelapse - Relive your life. What is Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) What are Qualitative Data?

What is Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA)

Qualitative data are forms of information gathered in a nonnumeric form. Common examples of such data are: Interview transcript Field notes (notes taken in the field being studied) Video Audio recordings Images Documents (reports, meeting minutes, e-mails) Images of types of qualitative data.