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Complessità. Data mining. Blog, personaggi. Società. Social business. Motivazione, engagement. Gamification. What Is The Freemium Business Model? Facilitazione partecipazione. Leadership. Metodi e tecniche. Software. Change Management Toolbook. The First Trillionaires Will Make Their Fortunes in Space. What's the Big Idea?

The First Trillionaires Will Make Their Fortunes in Space

Just as explorers during the Age of Discovery established new trade routes in pursuit of resources such as gold, silver and spices, the future explorers of space will be chasing unimaginable riches. As Peter Diamandis told the International Space Development Conference, “There are twenty-trillion-dollar checks up there, waiting to be cashed!” These cosmic cash cows are so-called Near-Earth asteroids that contain a wide range of precious resources. Sure, this may sound a lot like the movie Avatar, in which the RDA Corporation mined the mineral unobtanium on the planet of Pandora. But this is no pie-in-the-sky idea. SMART HYPERSLIDES (by Vadim Kotelniikov): Ten3 Business e-Coach - Personal Success, Business Success, Entrepreneurship. Leadership, Management, Innovation, Processes, Organization, Entrepreneurial Creativity, Venture Financing. Corporate psychopathy... Quiet. Il potere degli introversi in un mondo che non sa smettere di parlare - Susan Cain - Libro - BOMPIANI.

Il mondo è pieno di introversi: li vediamo, anche se non li sentiamo.

Quiet. Il potere degli introversi in un mondo che non sa smettere di parlare - Susan Cain - Libro - BOMPIANI

A volte ci disturbano, con la loro reticenza. Altre volte ci affaticano, perché cedono sempre il passo a noi.
