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Connected text

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CT tutorials. In this post I will describe the process flow of how ConnectedText can be used as a CAQDAS for coding qualitative data (see my caveats and qualifications in the previous post).

CT tutorials

Unfortunately I can’t use my own CT project as an example because the information in it is confidential and it would just take too long for me to anonymise it. Instead, I will use the silly little example I came up with in a previous post. For research, outlining, writing, and personal productivity. ConnectedText. Tinderbox for Windows? « Welcome to Sherwood. ConnectedText is a personal wiki and then some.

ConnectedText. Tinderbox for Windows? « Welcome to Sherwood

ConnectedText is a personal wiki. But it is much more than that. It is packed with functions that help you manage and make sense of your information. CT can be a database, a notebook, a knowledge base, a journal and more. It is freeform, but you can impose structure if you choose.