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Quadrigram. Minority games. I have an essay just published in Bloomberg. The essay is quite short and I wanted to give interested readers a few more details and links to further reading on the subject: how to build simple yet plausible models of financial markets.

Hence, this post. Traditional models of markets in economics work from the idea of equilibrium. What happens in the market is assumed to reflect the interplay of two things: 1. the decisions of countless market participants who act more or less rationally in their best interests, their actions collectively bringing the market toward a balance in which stocks, bonds, or other instruments take their realistic "fundamental" values (or at least something close to those values), and 2. external shocks that hit the market in the form of new pieces of information concerning businesses, political events, changes in regulations, technological discoveries and so on.

So, how to build models that go beyond this equilibrium picture? So --what is the minority game? 1. Computers: Artificial Life: Artificial Worlds. Researchers solve biological mystery and boost artificial intelligence. By simulating 25,000 generations of evolution within computers, Cornell University engineering and robotics researchers have discovered why biological networks tend to be organized as modules – a finding that will lead to a deeper understanding of the evolution of complexity.

The new insight also will help evolve artificial intelligence, so robot brains can acquire the grace and cunning of animals. From brains to gene regulatory networks, many biological entities are organized into modules – dense clusters of interconnected parts within a complex network. For decades biologists have wanted to know why humans, bacteria and other organisms evolved in a modular fashion. Like engineers, nature builds things modularly by building and combining distinct parts, but that does not explain how such modularity evolved in the first place.

Renowned biologists Richard Dawkins, Günter P. "Once you add a cost for network connections, modules immediately appear. Statistica@Ning - La Comunità Italiana dedicata alla Statistica. Il Modello Pragmatico Elementare per lo sviluppo di Sistemi Adattiv... Evolution of Dance. About Evolution of Dance is viral video of a man dancing to clips from 32 different songs from a variety of genres and time periods. The video starts with Elvis Presley’s “Hound Dog” from 1956 and finishes with “Dirt Off Your Shoulder” by Jay-Z from 2004. Origin The video was taken during the finale of a Judson Laipply show called “Inspirational Comedy”. Judson Laipply, an American motivational speaker, originally began closing many of his college, high school and corporate appearances with his unusual dance medley. He uploaded the dance to YouTube on April 6th, 2006. Spread During its initial rise in popularity, it amassed over 10 million views in under two weeks and was featured on CNN, MSN, E!

It became their #1 Most Viewed Video (All Time), #1 Most Favorited (All Time) Video, and #6 Most Discussed (All Time) Video on YouTube, with 1.797.159 views on July 16, 2009. Search Search queries for “evolution of dance” peaked in June of 2006, 2 months after the video was uploaded to YouTube. Science of Sex Appeal: A Sexy Walk. Notazione Laban. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Le direzioni Le parti del corpo La notazione Laban è un sistema di notazione dei movimenti del corpo inventata nel 1928 da Rudolf Laban (1879-1958). Questo sistema è detto Labanotation negli Stati Uniti, Kinetography nel Regno Unito e cinétographie in Francia. Storia[modifica | modifica sorgente] Uno stesso segno indica: la direzione del movimento (avanti - indietro - sinistra - destra - diagonali - sul posto)l'altezza (alto - basso - intermedio. La posizione dei segni sul pentagramma da la simultaneità dei movimenti (lettura orizzontale) e la loro successione (lettura verticale).

Le distanze, le relazioni con i partner o con degli oggetti, il centro di gravità, la dinamica, le giravolte, i salti, le traiettorie ed il piazzamento al suolo, sono indicati da dei segni specifici. Simultaneità e successione. Altri progetti[modifica | modifica sorgente] Commons contiene immagini o altri file su Notazione Laban Collegamenti esterni[modifica | modifica sorgente] Music Styles. As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge.

We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation. Drucker - Spirit of an Organisation. This Southbeach model shows a perspective of Peter F. Drucker; "the man who invented management". The column on the left represents qualities of the people in an organisation, and on the right, we have the activities of the organisation itself. These two systems are inextricably interlocked and require each other in order to succeed. In Drucker's book, The Practice of Management, at the beginning of Chapter 13: The Spirit of an Organisation, he says: "Two sayings sum up the 'spirit of an organisation'.

One is the inscription on Andrew Carnegie's tombstone: Here lies a manwho knew how to enlist in his servicebetter men than himself The other is the slogan of the drive to find jobs for the physically handicapped: It's the abilities,not the disabilities,that count. Management by objectives tells a manager what they ought to do.

How can we create successful individuals?