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Yupee - Gerenciador Financeiro gratuito, seguro e completo – controle e planejamento financeiro, planilha de gastos, fluxo de caixa, contas a pagar, finanças pessoais, pagamento digital, internet banking, sustentabilidade, vida organizada. TextSTAT :: Niederländische Philologie FU Berlin. TextSTAT is a simple programme for the analysis of texts. It reads plain text files (in different encodings) and HTML files (directly from the internet) and it produces word frequency lists and concordances from these files. This version includes a web-spider which reads as many pages as you want from a particular website and puts them in a TextSTAT-corpus. The new news-reader, too, puts news messages in a TextSTAT-readable corpus file. TextSTAT reads MS Word and OpenOffice files. No conversion needed, just add the files to your corpus... Documentation: For a first introduction to TextSTAT, please refer to the Quickstart Guide to text analysis with TextSTAT from the 'Humanities Resource Centre' at Princeton University.

There is also a nice video tutorial by Zarah Weiß, available via YouTube. NEW: TextSTAT 3 (beta) There are some drastical changes in this new version of TextSTAT, most of them internal. TextSTAT now works with Python 2 (>= 2.7) and - even better - with Python 3 (>= 3.4). Download Mockups – Balsamiq. Archived Adobe AIR SDK versions. Adobe - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Viber - Aplicaciones Android en Google Play. Viber es un messenger gratis que te mantiene conectado con personas de todo el mundo a través de tu conexión a Internet (wifi o plan de datos*).

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Unix old-timers may remember the dircmp command. Alas, that command is not available in Linux. In Linux, we use the same diff command to compare directories as well as files. $ diff ~peter ~georgeOnly in /home/peter: announce.docdiff /home/peter/.bashrc /home/george/.bashrc76,83d72<< # Customization by Peter< export LESS=-m< export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=always'< shopt -s histappend< shopt -s cmdhist< export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a;$PROMPT_COMMAND"< #echo keycode 58 = Escape |loadkeys -Only in /home/george: .mcoprcOnly in /home/peter: .metacityOnly in /home/george: .newsticker-imagesOnly in /home/peter: .notifier.confOnly in /home/george: targets.txtOnly in /home/peter: .xsession-errors If you are NOT interested in file differences, just add the -q (or --brief) option.

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