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Computer Ergonomics: How to Protect Yourself from Strain and Pain. On this page: Why computer ergonomics?

Computer Ergonomics: How to Protect Yourself from Strain and Pain

Many people spend hours a day in front of a computer without thinking about the impact on their bodies. They physically stress their bodies daily without realizing it by extending their wrists, slouching, sitting without foot support and straining to look at poorly placed monitors. These practices can lead to cumulative trauma disorders or repetitive stress injuries, which create a life-long impact on health. Symptoms may include pain, muscle fatigue, loss of sensation, tingling and reduced performance. Ergonomics is a field of study that attempts to reduce strain, fatigue, and injuries by improving product design and workspace arrangement. Arrange Your Workstation: Every time you work, take time to adjust workstations that aren't quite right in order to minimize awkward and frequency performed movements.

Click here for a larger, printable poster of the following image (PDF) Modify Your Body Mechanics Do you wear eyeglasses? Move! Neck/Shoulders: Get Rid of Back Pain with Tennis Balls! Got back pain?

Get Rid of Back Pain with Tennis Balls!

Read this! I learned about this little trick from my Aunt Michelle years ago. I am not sure where she heard it from, I think maybe her chiropractor told her about it. Changed. my. life. Ya’ll know I am massage therapist and a fan of getting regular massage and going to the chiropractor. But what about those moments when you are in PAIN and you are begging your spouse to massage your back and they either refuse or they are so horrible, you are in worse pain after the massage than you were before!

My friends, you need tennis balls in a sock. You could also buy a similar wooden contraption, but I do not like them. So first you get on the floor and place the tennis ball sock behind you. Then you slowly lower yourself down so that you are laying on the floor, on the tennis ball sock. Adjust it so one tennis ball is on either side of your spine. Then roll the tennis ball sock up and down your spine. If you feel your back crack, awesome. Now go, make some tennis ball socks! 4 Step Do It Yourself Treatment For Neck Pain. Neck pain is the most common symptom that women present with in my office.

4 Step Do It Yourself Treatment For Neck Pain

I have found this to be due, in part, to a lack of specific strengthening to the muscles of the upper back, neck and shoulders. In addition to spinal correction and specific soft tissue therapies, I also recommend a change in daily habits to counteract bad posture and a weak upper body. Doing this seems to help in most cases. These exercises also help my patients to hold an adjustment for longer. I came up with a 4 step do-it-yourself treatment for neck pain that works when performed regularly and is easy to do at home. The Brugger: The brugger is a great all around method of working the opposite muscles associated with poor posture. Bent Over Rows: The row is a great exercise for strengthening the muscles of the upper back, which promotes good posture. Isometric Neck Flexion/Extension: These exercises are easy to perform and focus on neck strength and stability.

Home Chiropractic, Do it yourself Home Chiropractic Care home course - $95.00. 10 Things You Can Do At Home Without Your Chiropractor. Here are my top 10 all-time proven strategies to help you get out of pain and improve your function now!

10 Things You Can Do At Home Without Your Chiropractor

Let’s face it, pain relief is one of the primary reasons people see a chiropractor. It’s not the best reason, but it’s a good reason. It’s worth mentioning quickly that Chiropractic’s most powerful benefits are related to a better functioning body overall – due to enhanced functioning of your nervous system resulting from a Chiropractic adjustment. I will be the first to admit that I see a chiropractor for both reasons: pain relief and improved function of my body. I like it that my digestion is better when I get adjusted, but I really enjoy that my back feels better as well. But let’s say you can’t get to your Chiropractor now… or you went and your still feeling some sort of pain (very common). Ready? 1. Apply ice for 20 minutes at a time.

Ice therapy reduces swelling, and decreases pain signaling. 4 Step Do It Yourself Treatment For Neck Pain.