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Google Product Listing Ad Search Clicks Up 210%, PLA Budgets Grow 600% [Study] With Google’s transition to a paid shopping model, advertisers responded in Q4 by ramping up their budgets for product listing ads. A Marin Software report says the move paid off – as PLAs surpassed click-through rates of standard text ads. Marin’s findings by the numbers: 600 percent: The amount by which PLA budget investments increased during the fourth quarter of 2012 (from 0.36 percent in October to 2.5 percent in December).210 Percent: The amount by which search click-throughs of PLA ads have increased in the past year (from 2.1 percent in January to 6.6 percent in December).

Some retailers allocated up to 30 percent of their total Google spend on PLAs.60 percent: The amount by which the impression share of PLAs jumped in Q4 2012 (3.9 percent in September vs. 6.1 percent in December). Although conversion figures were unavailable, Matt Lawson, VP of Marketing for Marin Software, noted that a strong click-through rate is indicative of a healthy conversion rate. Consumer Reviews, Product Ratings, Compare Best Prices | Review Centre. Google Shopping: 7 Advanced Tips & Strategies For Merchants. The new Google Shopping is based off of your typical paid comparison shopping engine, such as Pricegrabber, Nextag or It’s a move that presents significant opportunity to the merchants who chose to stay and play in the market-rate CPC program, with no minimum CPCs. Many small merchants and some SEOs have shown their disgust with the move and will likely take their products elsewhere to advertise.

Affiliates will also have trouble on Google Shopping, making the potential traffic pie much larger. Even marketplaces will be affected. Merchants who sell on Ebay or Amazon, if they don’t see any change in sales, can rest assured that their marketplaces are paying a hefty check in the million+ dollar range each month for their listings to compete in Google Shopping rankings. My guess is that some will see slight declines. Google Shopping Facts To Keep In Mind The new Google Shopping is strictly product based bidding. Multi-channel selling continues to evolve. 1. 2. 3. 3a. 3b. 4. 5.

Google AdWords Product Extensions Guide: A Product Extension Tutorial. This is the second installment in our multi-part series on Google AdWords Ad Extensions. Last time we covered Google AdWords location extensions, and today’s focus will be on product extensions. Product extensions is a feature that allows you to link your Google Merchant account with your AdWords account to have enhanced listings for your products shown in search results on Google properties: In this post we’ll walk through why product extensions are important, how you can use them in your account, and when to use the extensions as well as how best to apply them.

Why Are AdWords Product Extensions Important? Product extensions are important for much the same reason the other ad extensions are important: they offer increased visibility in search results. Effectively leveraging product extensions can get you more of potential prospects’ attention while offering you a means to show and tell them more about your product. How Do I Use Google AdWords Product Extensions? Managing Google Product Feeds in Google Merchant Center. Google Product Search — formerly known as Froogle and Google Base, and sometimes known as Google Shopping — has grown in importance as a key source of orders and revenue for ecommerce businesses. Don’t let the “beta” label on the Google Product Search main page fool you; this is a prime-time service that all merchants should use. Google Product Search relies on you, the merchant, to upload and manage feed (data) files that give Google the details about your products.

As with any Google service, there are some tricks to get the maximum return for your time and effort. The basics are pretty easy. In this article, I’ll explain Google Merchant Center, which is Google’s tool for managing your product feeds. The Dashboard The dashboard gives you a snapshot of your product feeds. Quick Tip. “API impressions” refers to traffic from third-party programs that utilize Google’s product data. Your goal should be to keep your “Search clicks” increasing. Google Product Feed dashboard. Data Feeds Products.