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Social Business

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RheinMainDigital sur Twitter : "Wie #social #search beeinflusst. Danke @thomashutter für den spannenden Vortrag beim #omt2015... The Thirst for More #SocialBusiness. The more engaged and connected the world becomes, the thirst for #socialbusiness will infiltrate the communications landscape.

The Thirst for More #SocialBusiness

Until educational systems add this type of learning to their core curriculums, there’s other options to gain the knowledge needed to tap into the enterprise social fundamentals. Currently the two highly recognized and actively engaged social businesses to tap into core offerings are Social Media Examiner and Hootsuite University. Both have extensive information and have a huge following on twitter that set a leading example in the industry. Additionally, with the day-to-day commitment to those who are involved in a 9 to 5 job, there is still an opportunity to build upon the skills needed to succeed in the engaged online social media platforms. Gloria Lombardi sur Twitter : "#Social Graph - trying to understand how staff #interact w/ each other to get their #job done. New SMiLE Guide on Social Measurement. Gloria Lombardi previews the content in the next of our in-depth studies: the latest thinking on how to measure internal communications using social tools.

New SMiLE Guide on Social Measurement

By Gloria Lombardi Metrics are the Holy Grail for internal communicators. They can extract insights to engage with employees across the whole organisation. Read data carefully and it becomes something very useful—a guide on how to navigate the business. Measurement can provide practitioners with a ladder to meaningful decision-making: what the best channels to interact with colleagues are; what content is most popular; what audiences to reach at any given location, time and context; what messages should be reinforced; what stories should be curated that appeal the most to staff. But, one of the main challenges in today's digital and social networking age is to catch up fast with all the amount of information flowing inside the company. The annual employee survey is dead "They can understand what is happening in the back channel. Social Business Digest by caro. BusinessConnect 2013 - Themen - Social Business - Deutschland. Social Business Digest by caro.

Social Business: Flat or Hierarchical? A Surprising Answer. The most effective social businesses may start to look more like organizations that long predate modern corporations — so-called “loosely coupled” organizations such as military, education and religious institutions.

Social Business: Flat or Hierarchical? A Surprising Answer

Social media represents an enormous opportunity for most organizations, particularly knowledge-intensive ones. While marketing applications of social media are getting the most attention today, the greater impact may come from applications internal to the organization. The McKinsey Global Institute, for instance, estimates that social media is poised to unlock $1.3 trillion of economic value, mostly through the improved efficiency of knowledge workers.

Social Business Digest by caro. Social Business Digest by caro - Flipboard. Social Business Digest by caro. Social Business Digest by caro. Social Collaboration: Schaut auf diese Stadt! – Was deutsche Unternehmenslenker von Dresdner Fluthelfern lernen können. „Eine Stadt packt an!

Social Collaboration: Schaut auf diese Stadt! – Was deutsche Unternehmenslenker von Dresdner Fluthelfern lernen können

“ – Der SPIEGEL hat es treffend ausgedrückt: Tausende freiwillige Helfer – darunter viel junge Leute, ausgerüstet mit Stiefeln, Schaufeln und Smartphone – sind ausgezogen, um ihre Stadt gegen die Flut zu schützen. Und die Organisation dieses komplexen Hilfsvorhabens, das sich fast minütlich auf neue Situationen einstellen muss – Dammbruch hier, fehlender Sand da, Bedarf an Regenhosen dort – klappt nahezu perfekt. Social Collaboration macht es möglich. So haben es die Dresdner in nur wenigen Stunden geschafft, über Dienste wie Twitter und Facebook ein effizientes Hilfsnetzwerk aufzubauen. Über Twitter laufen rund um die Uhr akute Hilferufe, Pegelstände und Aufrufe zum „Anpacken“ ein. Auf diese Weise werden ganze Heerscharen von Sandsackbefüllern, Dammbauern und Möbeltransporteuren koordiniert und es wird dafür gesorgt, dass die Hilfsangebote von belegten Brötchen über Schaufeln bis zu wasserfester Kleidung dorthin gelangen, wo sie benötigt werden. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Social Business Murmeltiertag oder "Wann wacht das Management auf?” Sie kennen sicherlich die 90er Filmkomödie "Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier" in der Bill Murray den Wetteransager Phil Connors mimt, der in einer Zeitschleife feststeckt?

Social Business Murmeltiertag oder "Wann wacht das Management auf?”

Er wacht jeden Morgen auf und erlebt immer wieder denselben Tag. Ganz so schlimm ist es (noch) nicht, aber die Gespräche und Diskussionen, die ich bei Unternehmensführung bezüglich des Mehrwerts von sozialer Vernetzung im Unternehmen miterlebe, haben teilweise leichte Züge des Murmeltiertags. Es sind immer wieder die gleichen Formulierungen: "Wann sollen wir das denn machen, wir haben doch schon so viele strategische Projekte? ", "Bringt uns das wirklich kurzfristig etwas messbares? " usw. (2) Pepperl+Fuchs/SMART. Denk nicht mal dran – 10 falsche Vorurteile gegen Social Media. Standards für PR und Kommunikation. Social Software. Gartner hat seine Marktübersicht Magic Quadrant für den Bereich Social Software in the Workplace aktualisiert.

Social Software

Im "Leaders Quadrant", dort wo sich die Visionäre treffen, die ihre Visionen -vermutlich - auch umsetzen können, tummeln sich 3 Unternehmen: IBM, Jive und Microsoft, was in diesem Falle ja SharePoint heißt. Microsoft is in the Leader's quadrant because of its very robust ecosystem and the broad penetration of SharePoint Server 2010 in the marketplace. IBM is in the Leaders' quadrant. IBM Connections was one of the first products to target this market. Other products in IBM's portfolio — such as Lotus Quickr, Sametime, Domino and the WebSphere Portal Server — can broaden the applicability of Connections. Business and Web 2.0 An interactive feature - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Strategy. For the past seven years, thousands of executives from around the world—across a range of industries and functional areas—have responded to a McKinsey survey on how organizations are using social (or Web 2.0) technologies.

Business and Web 2.0 An interactive feature - McKinsey Quarterly - Business Technology - Strategy

In 2009 we created an interactive tool that links the data from these survey results and charts it to the emerging trends in Web 2.0 adoption. This interactive focuses on several of the survey’s core questions—from what technologies and tools companies view as most important to what kind of investments, if any, organizations plan to make in Web 2.0 in the future. Our most recent survey examines the business use of 13 social technologies and tools: blogs, collaborative document editing, mash-ups (a Web application that combines multiple sources of data into a single tool), microblogging, online videoconferencing, podcasts, prediction markets, rating, RSS (Really Simple Syndication), social networking, tagging, video sharing, and wikis.