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Sales-Marketing Plan. Research. Risk. Inspiring through vision statements for Ecommerce and Digital Marketing. I believe that developing a specific vision or mission statement for your digital channels can really help explain the need for sufficient investment in digital marketing within a company.

Inspiring through vision statements for Ecommerce and Digital Marketing

They also show where your focus should be. So in this post I look at some examples which show effective vision statements. As you read, you’re probably thinking we’ve already got a corporate mission statement that everyone pokes fun at, so why would we want to define a digital vision statement? Or why should we bother? S too corporate and we’re just a small business, we just get on with selling our products.

Good questions! Here’s a real example of a digital vision statement for a multichannel company. 1 x 2 x 3 Digital Vision Largest online audience share (No.1) in Europe by XXXX By XXXX, 1 in 2 of total sales will be generated on-line1 in 3 of our people and our customers love our online services and will recommend them to a friend2 in 3 customer service contacts will be electronic by XXXX. What Facebook Will Get Out of Gift-Giving App Karma. On May 18, Facebook (FB) announced it had acquired mobile gift-giving app Karma.

What Facebook Will Get Out of Gift-Giving App Karma

There was other Facebook news that day, but lost in the hullabaloo was the fact that the deal was the social network’s second-largest acquisition to date. It totaled more than $80 million, according to two people familiar with the transaction who asked not to be named because the deal’s terms were private. Karma is a 16-person startup that debuted its first smartphone app in February. But unlike past acquisitions, where Facebook bought small companies mostly for their talented engineers, the social network plans to continue running Karma’s service and regards the purchase as an important step into the business of online commerce, say the sources. It’s also a bet that gift-shopping, a multibillion-dollar industry that still takes place mostly in shopping malls, is about to get shaken up by Silicon Valley.

Wantful raised $5.5 million from venture investors in March.


Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins That Enhance Usability. jQuery plugins can enhance usability for users of all demographics, and there are plugins that you can use to target usability enhancements for a given area.

Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins That Enhance Usability

jQuery tooltip plugins are a great way to provide extra information to the user about a given button, image or feature on your site. jQuery sliders can quickly cycle through featured images, while jQuery gallery plugins can let photographers and artists display their images and show them off to the world. For web developers, jQuery form plugins can allow awesome form customizations that guide the user through and allow interesting effects. In this post, you’ll find some fresh and useful jQuery plugins that can enhance your site’s usability, functionality and overall design.

If you need more amazing jQuery plugins, check out these posts: Thumbnail Gallery Thumbnail Gallery JQuery plugin is a easy to use JQuery plugin for web developer to build Javascript gallery on their web application. Mobily Blocks ppGallery jQuery Form Designer.

FB SEO. Practicum Rev model. Revenue.